The Legend's Return

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I don't own Fire Emblem.


Now with Grima dead, Ylisse is at peace. Exalt Chrom rules peacefully, with new friends and family by his side. But he misses his queen, and so does Ylisse.

Even with the return of his youngest daughter, Exalt Chrom pushes himself to find his wife, who he believes will return. After all, Naga said their bonds had to be strong enough - and he knew they were.

But time passes, and so does hope.

Does it mean that what he wants is forever out of his reach?


Two years later

It had been three years since Grima's death, three years of peace. But Ylisse was restless to find it's queen.

Chrom hadn't stopped trying to find her since her death. He knew that their bonds were strong enough, so he sent out search parties, led by the Shepherds, to go find her. They would search far and wide to find Robin, but they would always return back empty handed.

Khan Flavia and Khan Basilio reached out their forces to help him as well. Say'ri messaged him and told him that she was sending out soldiers to pry through her land and search for the tactician. Aversa, who was the regent of Plegia and surprisingly had made peace with Ylisse after Grima's death, didn't extend a helping hand, but sent a message sending him a very inconspicuous hope that she would return.

He would hold on to the hope that she was alive. He hoped she was alive, no matter what.

And he wouldn't give up on her until his last breath.


At the age of twenty one, Diana seemed to get younger as she aged. She still was a vision of beauty to those around her, making her family proud. So it wasn't a surprise when suitors always flocked around her from far and wide.

Her life had been more at peace ever since she returned to the Ylissean Palace. While to the general commoners she was just a mere distant relative to the Ylissean Palace (although many already knew her as the Sorcerer Princess), to the nobles and royalty she was Princess Diana Celeste, future second born of Exalt Chrom and Queen Robin. And so many people treated her with respect and honor.

Because Lucina was still missing along with Owain, Severa, and Inigo, and Robin was presumed gone forever, Diana immediately took it upon herself to handle the political bearings of a Queen as a replacement for her mother. While she wasn't the best, she was very patient and hardworking. Chrom was proud and thankful for her help.

There was always a lot of work to do, but there were always some quiet moments that she would just keep to herself and just be Diana. Those moments consisted of her curling in her room with a book, or hanging out with her family should they also not be burdened by the busy lives of royalty.

On one particular day, she was surprisingly not at all bothered by any work at all. She had just returned from leading another search party to find Robin, so Chrom, being the thoughtful father he was, pushed everything off of her agenda so she could rest. Although she was thankful for that, it became a little bit dull for her.

After visiting the younger Lucina (who was now turning three in a month and thought that Morgan and Diana were her older siblings) (which was true, but amused Diana and Morgan a lot) and playing with her for a while, Diana decided to finish her book called Seafarers and was content on the fact that it would be how she would spend the rest of the day. She curled up in her window seat and opened her book.

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