Lost In History | 8

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I don't own Fire Emblem.


With everything that is happening right now, especially if you live in the US, I sincerely hope you are all okay and staying safe.


The girl nodded slowly, and she turned to observe the woman again, from a safer distance. But then she noticed something weird.

If she herself was being arrested, then Maggie was sure she would cry, or show some kind of negative emotion. Being arrested didn't look fun, and Maggie was sure that it was scary at least.

So why was the strange woman smiling?


'Get yourself arrested, they said.'

The shackles slapped onto her hands. The cold, metallic smell filled her nose, even though they were too heavy for her to lift her hands up to get it close to her. The black and red anti-magic symbol gleaned from the flickering of the fires, surrounding her.

'It'll be more beneficial for the mission, they said.'

A guard shoved her roughly into the prison, sending her stumbling to regain her footing on the straw floors. Her bare feet, stripped of her shoes, felt the prickle of the yellow material pinch her heel. The simple brown dress they had put her in was too thin to withstand the freezing atmosphere of the prisons.

'It'll be thrilling, they said.'

Diana fell back against the straw with a sigh, more than relieved to be alone for a few moments. The last hour after she had let herself get arrested was just filled with people shoving and pushing her, all in order to get her into the prison.

She smiled idly, eyes glued to the bars of silver that barred her from leaving the confined room.

Despite her grumblings, she did have to admit, Acadia and Robin were smart to think of a plan like this. By letting herself take Bane's bait, she would be able to slip into the palace and nobody would bat an eye. They would keep contact with her and Acadia's telepathic communication as well as when Margaret would slip out. At night, Margaret would help her get the hell out of her prison and scour the palace for the book, and when the sun rose, she'd be back in the prison as if nothing had happened.

'I can't believe I'm letting myself get arrested for an ulterior motive...again.'

She almost laughed as she remembered everyone else's reactions. A lot of the people, including her sister and Takumi, were pretty horrified. It took a while for Acadia and Robin to convince them that it would be the best way.

The prisons were indeed colder than she had ever experienced. She had been shoved into one of the deeper dungeons, probably because of her crime of 'attempted murder'. Diana had to laugh at the fact that she was being prosecuted despite the lack of physical evidence, but it seemed like the testimony of the witness was enough for these morons.

The witness was one of their most trusted leaders, so Diana wasn't too surprised.

Absentmindedly, she reached up and started to rub her hands up and down her arms in an attempt to generate some heat. Her clothes had been stripped from her, including her cloak, and any hidden weapons had been confiscated. At least she had been smart enough to entrust the Kyuseishu in Acadia's care. If that sword was taken away, only Naga knew what would happen.

It was quiet. Diana counted the seconds with boredom, and about roughly an hour or two later, a guard finally threw open her prison door and dragged her out of the prison. Her feet scraped against the stone floors as she was forced to walk. Diana bit her lip to stop herself from wincing as she twisted her wrists, which were pained and probably red from the tight metal.

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