PART TWO: The Stories After

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"I wish there was another solution, but I will have to face this despite the consequences. My family will get a new chance. It is a sacrifice I must accept on my own." - Diana Celeste, Chapter Thirty Six


The war with Grima is over - the fell dragon gone from the world. Despite the victory, two lives are taken away from two of Ylisse's finest women: The Grandmaster, Chief Tactician, and Queen, Robin, and the Sorcerer Princess, Diana Celeste.

But only the first is remembered for her noble sacrifice. The other...forgotten by those that hold her dear.

But she is given a second chance. Now raised from the dead by the divine dragon Naga herself, Diana is finally free from Grima's control and free to live her life in peace, even with the consequences of what she had done. But her story is not over, for there are many exciting adventures that have yet to come for her and those she loved.


If you're still here after Part One, congratulations! You've made it to the more original section of the book! I can't tell you how thrilled I am to start writing Part Two - it's going to be a wild ride and unlike the last, I actually have a few major plots planned. They might still be riddled with plot holes, grammar mistakes, and other things, because I'm a young dunce who's only a teenager.

This section, unlike in Part One, will be divided into different arcs, like different portions. Some are huge chunks of short stories, but others can also be small oneshot chapters. 

The first arc is the most important one, picking up exactly where we left off in Part One. It is called The Second Chance.

The Second Chance is a short story consisting of more than ten chapters, and instead of being labeled "Chapter One" or "Chapter Two", it will instead be functioned out like this - "The Second Chance | 1" or "The Second Chance | 2". One shot chapters will not have the mark or the number, only the title.

Warning: Some swearing here. No f-bombs, but swearing will be found.

With that being said, I hope you guys enjoy!


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