Dark Heart | 1

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I don't own Fire Emblem.


Outrealms are infinite. There are thousands of possibilities, for every route of fate can be passed on, no matter how twisted, how dark, or how simple it may be. But among the worlds of victory, there are realms where the heroes are not heroes - they are villains.

Diana has never put much thought into these worlds, and she doesn't want to. That is, until a broken yet familiar face appears before her, seeking asylum.


Keep running.

Keep on running for your life.

The mantra repeated over and over in her head.

Her legs ached. She forced herself to move on. She only had adrenaline to lean on.

There were screams behind her, but she blocked them out. All she had to do was to reach it, and then she would be out of this hellhole.

She wanted out. She didn't want to live this life anymore. She wanted a new one.

The dragon had promised her that new life. A second chance, one to refresh and one to dive away from the pain that had destroyed her entire life, physically and mentally, for years and years.

She didn't want to believe it, but with all the hope seeped out of her, this was the only way she could survive.

She could only cling to the belief that the dragon was telling the truth.

She had lost faith in dragon gods and goddesses years ago as a little girl, but it seemed as if her mind had run out of options.

The thundering of running footsteps was getting closer and closer. But she was also getting closer to freedom.

With one final jump, she took a leap of faith. The wind howled in her ears, sending chills up her spine, but all she could feel in the moment was the final slice of freedom life had to offer her.


Diana was annoyed.

No, she was beyond irritated.

Normally, taking out bandits wouldn't be such a problem. It was easy, quick, and not unusual, as the jobs Alina or Macentos had for her usually consisted of such tasks. In addition, she had Inigo to accompany her this time, so it definitely wouldn't be too big of a problem.

But she was exasperated. Very exasperated.

All because of a few things.

Firstly, it was Macentos that assigned her this task.

Second of all, he gave her a task that would take from morning to the mid afternoon.

Third of all, he chose to bother her on the wrong day.

"I hate him with all my being," Diana muttered as she knocked out the final bandit with the dull side of her blade. "I'm literally going to kill him this time."

Inigo finished up with his last enemy, leaving him to be tied up by the rest of the guards. He glanced over at Diana, who looked nothing but pissed off. "I think you need to relax a little bit before you accidentally murder someone, Diana," he tried to advise her.

"No need to worry. I'm saving those cold, murderous hands to wring Macentos's neck," Diana seethed, sheathing the bronze sword she had brought. She rarely used the Kyuseishu unless for actual expeditions - it was dangerous to bring the sword out. "I swear to Naga, he sent me out today just to spite me. Specifically today. What petty man would do even this?"

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