The Second Chance | 9

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I don't own Fire Emblem.


"Don't be, Father." Morgan smiled cheerfully. "I don't have many memories of you, but I really do love you, Father! You're one of my best friends."

"I'm glad to hear that." Chrom smiled, looking peaceful for the first time in a week. They stayed that way for a while, in silence. It was just them - the father and son, the left over parts of their family.

Outside, in a nearby corner, Diana leaned against the wall, hastily wiping tears away.


"Now what?"

Diana found herself sitting in the same area in the council room, the place where she had sat under interrogation of the councilors two years ago when she had first appeared in the palace. Instead of ballistic chaos like last time, there were anxious mutters here and here, while some glares were shot her way. She ignored them all and instead focused on Chrom, Lissa, and the Supreme and Head Councilors, that sat in front of her.

Again, Chrom's mind flashed another strange image at him - one of a younger Diana sitting in the council room, looking amused as the other councilors shouted objections at her. There was a sharp dull pain at the back of his skull, but he ignored it once again and refocused.

"Lady Diana knows, and we have a lead to what they want, but now what do we do?" Councilor Ben, who had proposed the question, announced. "What should we do?"

Chrom bit his lip and look at Lissa, who shrugged. Neither of them had actually thought the aftermath. Chrom wanted to slap himself; some leader he was.

Diana looked somewhere in between confused and amused. She sat up straighter.

"May I propose an idea?"

The whole room hushed at the sorceress's voice. Macentos opened his mouth to oppose, but Alina shot him a look that quieted him down.

"What is your suggestion?"

Diana took a breath. "Well...we really don't know what they want, do they? But we have a general idea, we do know their name, and we do know they want me to come with them. So...why don't we lure them here and trap them?"

Chrom blinked. "And how do you propose we do?"

Diana bit her lip. "My suggestion's a little wild, but let's wait until they attack again. I don't want to sound so confident, but I think they'll come to me first. Instead of attacking them, I'll try and negotiate with them to meet in an area to give them what they want - which will obviously be a fake. It's going to be a trap instead, and we can catch them there."

There was a flurry of mutters again. Macentos seemed like he wanted to talk, but he shut his mouth closed, seemingly backed in a corner.

"That is a bit dangerous," Chrom admitted. "But that is the best plan we have. Unless anyone else has any ideas?"

The hall was silent. Some looked doubtful, but Chrom was right - they couldn't come up with a better plan than that.

"Then it's settled. We take our time, and wait for the next attack. Lady Diana, you will know what to do. Is that right?"

The young girl nodded. "Yes, Fa-" she clamped her mouth and looked down. "Yes, milord."

Chrom's eyebrows rose. What was she going to say?

And why did he feel like Diana sitting there in the middle of the mass of councilors wasn't the first time?


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