Twisted Fates | 20

242 11 57

I don't own Fire Emblem.


Corrin herself could only stare as Anastasia burst into the room. The sorceress looked short of breath, her face completely flushed. Both of her hands were basked in bright glows of magic, ready to be let loose. The most drawing thing to her appearance was her necklace, which was glowing just as bright as her hands.

She looked terrible. Her clothes were ripped, her skin covered in splotches of dirt, her blue hair a mess and sticking to her forehead and circlet due to sweat. Through her gloves, Corrin could see through the torn fabric that her wrists were red, and Corrin swore that they were bleeding. But even as horrible as she looked at the moment, her confident smile stood above it all as she walked up to Gunter slowly, almost gliding toward him.

The sorceress smiled dangerously, and the magic in her hands burst even brighter. "There's what I was looking for. Now, are you going to hand over the diamond respectfully or shall it get messy, Gunter?"


Gunter looked absolutely furious, which, for some reason, made Diana grin much wider. Oh the joy of spite.

She had been waiting for the moment she could freely fight him, for everything he had done - betraying Corrin, attacking her, threatening her family - and seeing how pale his face was (which was slowly turning red from anger), brought her great joy.

Normally, she was a very mellow person, but she'll take what she'll have after being played and tossed left and right because of him. He had shocked her when he was revealed to be the traitor, and if this was some sort of petty revenge for it, then so be it.

"YOU!" Gunter snarled. The purple flames enveloping him burst brighter as he started to charge at her. "YOU HAD THE PIECE ALL AL-"

His words were cut off when a glowing fist slammed right into his face.

Normally, she would let him monologue far, far too long for her taste, but no, she had been stuck in a cage for almost a week, starved, in pain, and hurt, so her patience had run to a very thin line. She wanted to finish her job, and she wanted to finish it now.

So no, she didn't let him finish.

Instead, she had taken the last final strides toward him, threw her arm back (which was loaded with magic, mind you) and decked him right in the face.

Gunter flew back far, crashing right back into his throne so hard that the top of it crumbled slightly due to the impact. The chunk of the Imperium Diamond flew out of his hand and was tossed out of his reach, but far from where Diana was standing.

Her necklace flared with brighter blinding white light, eager to reconnect with the other part for completion.

The sorceress didn't even hesitate, even to the shocked cries of Corrin and Rukia. She leaped, reaching out for the Imperium Diamond.

A growl filled her ears, and suddenly an inch before she could grasp it, a spear almost cut her fingers. Diana spun around to avoid the next strike, straightening up in the process, and recharged her right hand with magic. She blinked to focus her vision and found the entire room filled with Valliate soldiers. One in particular, the one who had almost hacked off her fingers, had their spear pointed toward her chest.

Diana quickly released the magic in her hand, sending the soldier scrambling back before their spear pierced her heart. However, none of the other Valliate soldiers flinched. In fact, they seemed to multiply in the vast, large room.

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