Before The Storm

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I don't own Fire Emblem.

I know this isn't technically a story after, but this idea has been nagging me for such a long time. I'll do a further explanation later.

Sorry for the long absence, everyone!


Before she became a warrior of the future, she was just a terrified young girl who just wanted her family back.


5 years before present day

She felt cold.

No. Not cold.


Her eyes were bleary as she weakly opened them. She couldn't feel anything but the bitter cold - a piercing numbness. She felt helpless. She couldn't remember anything - anything at all.

Who was she? Where was she? Did she even remember her name?

She couldn't see anything but weird shadows. Couldn't hear anything but the sound of howling wind and distinct voices in her head that sounded so familiar. She didn't know why, but she felt like crying. And yet she couldn't, at the same time. The confusion was killing her.

Slowly, her fingers flew back to life, pulling the rest of her arms, body, and legs. She could now tell that she was lying on her side, that she was wearing some kind of armor, one that was light enough for her to move in.

And that she was hurt. Not everywhere, but in many places. Her sides hurt. Her head hurt. She wanted to rip off her left arm because it ached so damn bad. Both of her legs wanted to fall off.

She couldn't just lie there though. She had to move. And so weakly but surely, she used her left arm to hoist herself up slightly, and reached out blindly for something solid.

She almost cried out in victory when she felt something. It was large, huge, but jagged and uneven, almost flaky. She took her other arm and pushed herself completely off of the ground.

Her headache got worse, but when her vision finally cleared, the shadows disappeared, and she finally found herself in a forest. It was dark, but had better lighting after she had managed to see again. She had been clinging onto a tree to help herself up, and the leaves of the trees all around her shook with the force of the wind.

The voices wouldn't stop. She didn't know if she was hallucinating or not, but she couldn't shake it out. They swarmed her hearing, beating out the wind. Her hands flew to her head, and while half of her screamed to yank them all out, the other half leaned in to hear more.

She was fighting a war with herself. They wouldn't stop. Until-


The sound of that name in her head, a feminine voice screaming it out, made everything return to her. The voices faded out in an instant, and she desperately strained her ears to hear again. But she couldn't.

She almost collapsed again as she remembered everything.

Her name was Diana Celeste. She was the sixteen year old second born princess of Ylisse, a sorceress with esteemed powers. She had been on the run from a mad dragon god for four, almost five years.

The last thing she could remember was Risen running after them, the sounds of weapons clashing against other weapons. She remembered her friends screaming, running after a portal that looked strangely like an eye. She remembered her brother and sister yelling at her to continue as her legs weakened. She remembered her sister's choked sob as her sister blocked a fatal attack directed at Diana and practically shoved her into the portal-

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