Twisted Fates | 9

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I don't own Fire Emblem.


It had been nearly three months since she had seen her family, and she missed them so much. She wanted to play another game of chess with Morgan, quietly exchange notes with Lissa, discuss books with Robin, and even spar with Chrom. She missed the Shepherds dearly, as well as all of her friends.

That was why she had to find the diamond as quickly as possible.

Diana played with her blue necklace, but before she could even blink, something seized her neck and yanked her into a pitch abyss of darkness.


"What the hell?"

Diana stumbled throughout the darkness, squinting. She couldn't see anything at all - it was almost as if someone had covered her in a shroud of darkness. It was bringing back unpleasant memories of after her death and she didn't like it at all.

"Who's there?!" She shouted, nearly tripping on her nightgown. "What do you want from me?!"

A dark chuckle echoed in her ears, although she couldn't make out any figure in the darkness. Diana snapped her fingers and a bright light emulated from her left hand. She held it out, but there was absolutely nothing in front of her.

Diana gritted her teeth, whipping around. "Who are you?!"

"Hello, outsider."

Diana's eyes widened. "You-"

The dark sinister voice chuckled again. "You are not supposed to be here."

"Too bad, because I'm here anyway," she snapped in response. "Now I will ask you one more time - who are you?!"

"You know who I am. In fact, you're looking for me, aren't you?"

It clicked.

'The thief!' Diana seethed, and her other hand immediately started to glow with her combat magic. "Show yourself you monster!"

"Oh ho, young girl. Do not fight against someone who is so much more powerful than you."

Diana rolled her eyes, despite the situation. "Listen, I've fought things ten times my size and survived. I don't know who you are, but I want you to release me this instant! Or better yet, give me what I'm looking for, if I'm so lucky!"

She couldn't sense whoever was around her. All she knew was that the thief had somehow trapped her.

The thief voice laughed. "So pitiful. You would threaten me, someone that can easily crush you like a fly! Why would someone send a weakling like you to find the most powerful diamond in the Outrealms? Won't you answer me, Anastasia?"

The name Anastasia instantly made her freeze. Her mind spun with panic. The thief knew that she, or her alias, was looking for the Imperium Diamond. He knew.

Then he was just steps away from finding out who she really was, and where she was really from.

Diana was close to freaking out at that point. But she tried to keep calm on the outside. "Is that supposed to dent my ego?" Diana raised an eyebrow. "Clearly it's not working. Now show yourself you coward?"

The voice cackled again. "Bold. But you have little spirit. Now tell me, little pest...who are you really?"

"You clearly know who I am, thief. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't be so shy. I know exactly who you are." The voice hissed. "A servant of that wretched dragon Naga...from one of those pitiful worlds of Awakening. Come here to find my treasure, ay? I'm afraid it's mine now."

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