The Future Past | 10

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I don't own Fire Emblem.

Well, this arc was more emotional than I intended.


But she knew that everything will be okay for this world's Ylisseans. Because the evil that had doomed this world from the very beginning was gone, and a new destiny scrawled itself on the stone of fate.

The skies cleared, revealing the first rays of sunlight that shone brightly against the group. And for the first time since her death, Tiki finally felt content.

All will be well.


The sunshine peeked through the misty clouds, slipping out bright rays to settle on the ground. It warmly caressed the land, joining the cool breeze that made the trees and flowers wave back and forth in a beautiful dance. The birds sang a song of happiness as they flew above the winds and forests. The sounds of silent peace were music to anyone's ears.

For the first time in years, the land of Ylisse was lively with greenery, after numerous recovery attempts to recover the prosperous image of a truly mighty kingdom once more. Villages stood tall, albeit clumsily put together and in need of repairs. Still, now it was lively with people who have been finally given the freedom to leave their shelters and rejoice for the defeat of the plague that had pushed them all down into hiding.

In the middle of the capitol of Ylisse stood the palace, rebuilt with the aid of magic and once again a beacon of hope. It had been extraneous to rebuild in a span of a month, but with the aid of magic and a certain sorceress that had quite the experience with this one or twice before, the palace of Ylisse was once again standing tall and proud once more.

Once riddled with the screams and whimpers of the innocent, the atmosphere of the villages was lively. While in the middle of recovery, the people were just relieved that the years of terror were now over, and over for good.

However, trauma was among all, and it would take a long time to heal.

And unlike the palace, one cannot simply repair their mind with a snap of magic.

Diana saw this and understood this clearly as she walked through the paths of Ylisstol. Although the smiles on the people's faces were bright and cheery, she recognized the strained look in their eyes. She noticed their exhausted looks when she turned away. And even if she never spotted any strange sign, for some reason, she always had a feeling.

Cloaked in a hood to hide her identity and with a basket on her arms, she maneuvered her way through the busy crowds in order to find some flowers. Although vendors were barely opening up their shops again because they were finding ways to rebuild their livelihoods, there were still some shops that decided to sell despite the funds from the Ylissean government.

Flowers just so happened to be the most popular item of sale, since many wanted to mourn their deceased loved ones.

Diana mused to herself quietly as she spotted a bustling flower street seller. After the war with Grima had ceased, one of the the other Lucina's first commands was to bring back the life of floriculture and greenery back to Ylisse's kingdoms. Therefore, what was left of the mages of Ylisse immediately sprung forth beautiful plants, until their kingdom was lively once more with the life of nature. Quite the sharp contrast to what the country had been a month ago.

She eventually bought daffodils, roses, and lilies, and carefully made her way back to the palace. Inside the gates, as always, it was bustling with repairs and reformation that was on the way. Not a single day wasn't busy ever since the war ended - not only was Ylisse trying to account for its own burdens, but it was also reaching out support to the other shaky kingdoms.

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