Chapter Seven

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I don't own Fire Emblem.

Lucy above. I don't own the picture.


There was something crossed out, and Chrom couldn't make out what it was.

That is all I have to say. For the rest of you, whom I have not the chance to bid goodbye to,  farewell.

With Love,



"Diana! What's happened?"

Diana turned around and blinked as she saw Lucy and Cecelia rushing up to her, their skirts swishing as they ran. "Lady Lucy! Lady Cecelia!" She would have curtsied but then she was still in the tunic and trousers so she decided against it. "Do you need anything?"

"Why has the courting been put on hold?" Lucy asked quietly. "Not that I mind, but I would like to know the real reason."

"Well..." Diana turned back to the clothes she was sorting out for the trip with her search parties. "Lady Robin has left. Gone missing. Because of this, Chrom has issued out different search parties to go search for her. He's accompanying us as well."

"So that's why!" Cecelia grinned. "But why did Lady Robin leave?"

"We actually don't know. I'll guess we find her when we find her," Diana shrugged and put the clothes into the rucksack.

"Well, can we help?"

Diana whipped around, looking at the two ladies in shock. "You want to help...are you sure?"

Lucy shrugged. "I want out of this courting as much as Lord Chrom does. So does Cecelia. So the faster we can find Lady Robin, the faster we can finish our duties."

"I want to return back to Daniel!" Cecelia propped her head on her palms. "I miss him. As much as I've always wanted to come visit the palace, this is not the reason why I wanted to come."

"And I just want to return home."

Diana raised an eyebrow. "You do know that if we find Robin sooner, the courting will resume sooner? Macentos wouldn't take it lightly if Chrom refused to take a bride by the end of the month, and will certainly find a way to stretch the time even more."

Lucy and Cecelia shared a smile before turning back to the princess. "Lord Chrom is in love with Lady Robin, and vice versa, correct?" Cecelia asked slyly.

Diana sighed, and brushed her thumb over the hidden Brand of the Exalt. "Yes. How did you know?"

"We've been only here for a few days," Lucy explained, "But we've already noticed how they act around each other. I've read enough romance novels to identify this as love, and this situation has already pushed our suspicions farther."

Diana smiled at them. "Even if we get those two to confess, there's no way that we'll be able to convince Macentos to let them marry. He despises her as nearly as he despises me."

"Well first of all, we'll push him to a limit where he has no choice to accept." Lucy said. "It's a strange situation, where the courtiers convince their suitor to marry someone else, but we just want him to be happy, as well as Lady Robin and ourselves, of course."

"Also, doesn't Lady Robin have a good reputation with all the other councilors?" Cecelia asked. "I mean, it's one man against 50 others, plus the Shepherds and Chrom and Robin. He won't stand a chance."

Diana thought about it for a while, and then she grinned.

"Alright, here's what you're going to do. Cecelia, do you know many people around this area?"

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