Chapter One

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I don't own Fire Emblem.

Diana up there. I was scrolling through pictures for a cover for a new book, then I saw this. It's actually how I would describe Diana, besides the fact that her eyes are brown and her hair tips are white. You can imagine here with this example or in any way you like.
January 24

Dear "Marth",

I've been faring well, and I hope that you have been doing the same. It's disappointing that you cannot write to me while I am travelling and finding a way to join the Shepherds, but I suppose that it makes sense, since I typically do not stay in one place for more than a week. If you want to know, I am at a local village quite close to the palace, and am staying at a local inn. Maybe in another day or two, I'll move to a village a tad bit closer.

It has been nearly three weeks since I left already, but I still have not encountered many Shepherds on the way. I've caught glimpses of Severa's mother and Owain's father here and there, but have never actually conversed with them. Honestly, I wanted to but I couldn't, because of the bandit attacks happening lately. I have been helping out and defending the villagers as often as I could, which is good because I think it's receiving the attention of the Shepherds. I wouldn't be surprised if they showed up at the next bandit attack just to see who I am. I covered up the Brand with fingerless gloves, and for extra measures concealed my identity under a violet cloak.

I can't help but be a bit sad about not seeing Mother or Father. It's been 5 years already, and even though technically they aren't our parents, I miss them so much. I just want to see them. Part of me knows that's one of the reasons I begged you to let me go, but can't you blame me? I'm also keeping an eye out for Morgan, but he's nowhere to be found.

I believe that wraps up the events that have been happening so far. I love you, sis, and I'll write again as soon as possible.

Love, Diana

Diana sealed the letter into the cream colored envelope, putting it in her pouch before grabbing her violet cloak, clasping it together and pulling the hood tightly over her head. Brushing herself off quickly before exiting the room, she wrung her hands together, almost tempted to take off the fingerless gloves but quickly reminded herself that she had to keep the Brand hidden.

Her brown eyes quickly scanned the hallway before quickly making her way through the inn, heading toward the entrance so she could get to the mailing area. Diana's beauty was quite noticeable in crowds, so she tended to avoid the public eye to avoid getting attention of unnecessary folks. She fingered the pouch by her side as she stepped out into the outside. Grasping the clasp of her cloak tightly, she walked toward the mailing post.

Not far from the raven haired princess, a white haired tactician and a blue haired prince pushed their way through the crowd. "Are you sure that she might be somewhere around here?" Chrom asked, crossing his hands together. Sure, he trusted Robin, but this speculation seemed a bit off to him.

"I'm not one hundred percent sure, but judging by the pattern of her appearances, she should be around here somewhere," Robin mused. "I've been meaning to ask you, Chrom. Why is it so important that we find this maiden anyway?"

Chrom shrugged. "I'm just curious. According to eye witnesses, she's a kind soul with strange powers. She doesn't use tomes or weapons, but incantations."

"Really?" Robin blinked. "But then how would that benefit us? Chrom, you're the ruler of an entire country! What's so important about this girl that you have to pull yourself out of your duties to find her? Mere curiosity?"

Chrom winced at his tactician's words. In a way, she was right – he shouldn't be doing this. But for some reason, he wanted to know. He wanted to know who this person was. Obviously they were very powerful, and if they could get her to be their ally...

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