Lost In History | 11

221 8 125

I don't own Fire Emblem.

This one derived a lot from my original plans, mainly because of last week's chapter. I forgot to adjust my outline to fit the overall setup for this chapter. So this chapter might seem clumsy in places. Bear with me. Please.

Enjoy a super length chapter of 29k words. This isn't a flex. I'm tired of the long chapters too. Every time I think I'm not gonna write a 10k+ chapter, this happens.


"Queen Robin sends her regards."

The crowd went in an uproar. Diana barely took notice as she lifted her chained hands in the air before anyone could stop her. Takumi fired.

The arrow snapped the chains in half, shattering the anti-magic steel into tiny pieces on the ground. The people screamed, and chaos roared.


The second arrow hit the chain behind her. The cold metal clinked together as they broke apart. The guard who had held her on a leash flew backward, stumbling off of the scaffold and falling with a loud thump.

The flow of magic returned to her veins, and Diana slammed a volley of magic against the ground. Her armor returned in a flash, and as her cape fluttered down to her knees, she felt renewal. She felt free.

But the fight wasn't over yet.

"Move!" She screamed at the townspeople, and they scattered quickly. The Ylissean guards rushed toward her, weapons aim to strike hard, and Diana jumped, flying in the air and narrowly avoiding the crowd of soldiers that had gathered at her feet.

The screeching sound of swords and spears unsheathing hurt her ears when she landed in the middle of the battlefield. There were already clangs of swords clashing - her friends must already be engaging with Anguis.

The screams and hollers of the townspeople enveloped her like a cloak, and she whipped around, not daring to rest her eyes on one particular moment for too long. Anxiety crawled on her skin like a leech.

Some of the guards were rushing toward her (understandable), but more were clustered around the evacuating townsfolk. They seemed more focused on getting the innocent people out of the way rather than getting her, which was...odd. Was this the help Margaret was talking about?

Diana gritted her teeth upon seeing the guards charge at her with their swords out. She readied a handful of magic to hit at them, but before she could even move, the guards in front of her were blasted away by a strong gust of magic.

Acadia dropped down in front of her, wearing a smirk on her face underneath those brown streaks of hair. She dusted her hands casually and turned back to Diana.

"You stole my thunder," Diana pouted.

"Hush now," Acadia said, like she was soothing a child. "You'll get other opportunities, so don't be so dramatic. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine - watch out!"

Wind flew from Diana's fingertips, which howled and slammed straight into the guards that were about to ram their swords right through her fellow sorceress.

Acadia shrugged. "Thunder regained."

"Shut up." Diana peered at Acadia's armor. Other than her usual clothes, she had a spear and a crossbow strapped to her back and a sword tied to her waist. "No Kyuseishu?"

Acadia threw her a look of disbelief. "You'd really think that I'd bring out your sacred memory-killing sword out in a place where a power hungry madman is currently stationed?"

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