Chapter Twenty Seven

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I don't own Fire Emblem.


Her own problems would come later.

She wasn't hiding anything from her parents no longer, but she didn't want her situation to be top priority of her parents. Hopefully they'll listen to her reasoning if another attack ever comes up.

Little did she know that Robin had already disagreed with these terms.


"Oh, hell."

Quickly, Diana shed off her hood and cloak as the blazing heat of the volcano approached them. The air was intense, and it wasn't just from the upcoming battle. The volcanic fire snapped at them, nearly reaching her feet. She felt sorry for her horse, although they had put on fire-proof shoehorns for the horses earlier to protect them.

Packing the cloak into her satchel, she coughed lightly as smoke filled her lungs, waving it away with her hands. Blinking painfully through the smoke, she could only make out the army that was ahead of her.

For some reason, a light tune stuck in her head as if trying to calm her down. And it worked – her muscles relaxed and her head cleared for a second. She felt nostalgic at the tune – in fact, the one playing in her head was the song she sang to Morgan whenever he was panicked.

Now it seemed like the effect was taking place on her.

A faint memory filled her mind.


Starling out of her sleep, a ten year old Diana rolled over and saw her younger brother looking at her with frightful eyes.

"Morgan?" She asked gently, sitting up and quickly lighting a candle. "What's wrong?"

"T-the thunderstorm..." Her eight year old brother whispered, slightly shaking. "I-I know I should stop being scared of them, but..."

Diana smiled gently and scooted slightly over, patting the space beside her. Morgan grinned cheekily and slipped into the covers beside her, snuggling up against her chest.

"'s okay to be afraid of something, you know," she soothed as she glanced outside. The thunder rumbled lightly, her curtains flapping even though her windows and balcony door were closed. "It's not a sin. Don't be discouraged."

"Thanks, Dia," he murmured slightly, before looking up with brown eyes that matched hers. "...can...can you..."

"Sing the lullaby?" Diana giggled, and Morgan looked a bit bashful. Nevertheless, she agreed. "Of course."

She began singing it quietly into her brother's ear, pulling up the covers lightly over his shoulder. It was until she heard the even breaths of her brother as he slumbered quietly, was when she stopped.

Propping pillows onto his head gently, Diana knew that she couldn't get any sleep now. It didn't really matter anyway – she had no official duties to attend to anyway. Grabbing a book off of her shelf, she settled back under the covers and opened it.

She passed chapter three when the door opened, and her thirteen year old sister stepped in.

"I knew I heard you singing," the blue haired princess complimented as she shut the door silently behind her, kneeling down next to her bed. Brushing off a few fallen strands of her brother's hair, she kissed his forehead lightly.

"Is it the thunderstorm?" Lucina asked, and Diana nodded. "He never changes," the younger chuckled.

"Aren't you going to get some sleep?"

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