Intermission [Explanation]

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I really hope you guys are excited for Intermission as I am. I've been dying to do this since forever, and now's finally my chance :D

You guys know what the real word "intermission" means, right? In case you don't know, here's a definition I pulled straight out of Google.

a pause or break.

That's exactly what we're on. A break between Part One and Part Two, to slowly build up the hype - and get rid of my exhaustion and stress over this story.

There will be two parts to this Intermission, which will be explained below:

|1| A Q&A

Yes, I've always wanted to do a Q&A before, and this is a chance. I was originally going to ask you guys to submit questions, but after getting a lack of response from a question I asked on Chapter Twenty Nine-ish, I don't know if I would even get a definite response or not.

Regardless, I'm slipping past that rule and if you want to submit any questions to me, go for it. They can vary from my personal life (just don't go too personal) to the book itself (but no questions about spoilers). Submit as many questions as you want, whether it's by commenting or PMing. I'll still have questions that I've already typed out and preset the answers, so if no one really has any questions, they're still questions that I have.

|2| Bonus Fun Facts/Deleted Scenes

I will be sharing with you different aspects on The Second Princess that I had while I was writing this fanfiction, as well as telling you ideas for a few deleted scenes that I had written out but then deleted due to eternal cringe.

The bonus fun facts will dig into new views of how I wrote this book, what I did, how I came up with these different things such as plots or designs, and much, much more. It will answer questions not addressed in the Q&A as well.

Now, that's it. Thank you guys for sticking with me this far, and I'll see you next week for the Q&A!

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