Lost In History | 5

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I don't own Fire Emblem.


Arms hauled her up slightly, pressing her up against a figure, and a warm hand cupped her cheek. She felt utterly cold, so all she could feel was comforting warmth against it. Subconsciously, she leaned into the palm, and she blearily looked up at who was holding her.

Takumi's honey brown eyes stared at her with worry, mouth open and unable to speak. His grip around her tightened as he turned to glance at the perpetrator of her state. Diana could sense his anger, even if he didn't say it verbally. Then she felt herself being lifted off of the ground.

And much to her protest, Diana's eyelids fluttered closed.


Twenty minutes ago

In Gyges's throne room, the Queen yawned tiredly.

"Is this boring you, Corrin?" Azura raised an eyebrow. The songstress had a bunch of papers in her hand, a pen in her hand that was positioned in the air. Dressed in neat clothes that held her style yet regally displayed her as the Queen's Chief Advisor, Azura was clearly impatient.

Corrin perked up from her throne quickly to cover her exhaustion. "Nope. Totally not. Go on, Azura. I was listening."

Azura narrowed her eyes at her cousin, who shuffled around innocently as if she hadn't just been drifting off to sleep thirty seconds ago. Then she glanced at Takumi, who was leaning against the corner, shuffling some papers in his hands and watching with a smile on his face.

"Was she really?"

The only response she got from the archer was muffled laughter that he failed to conceal with his papers. Despite his usual straightforward attitude, he seemed to be far too amused by the entire situation to come to either of his sisters' defenses.

Azura rubbed her temple with a sigh.

"Corrin, are you tired?"

"No, of course not!" Corrin tried to sit up straighter, but then she slouched on her throne, a hand on her cheek. "Oh, who am I kidding? Of course I'm tired, Azura! You know, we could just go through this information in the morning! It's ten in the night! Late for me!"

There was more muffled laughter from Takumi.

The leader of a complete revolution, Queen of an entire kingdom, savior of an entire realm...and yet Corrin looked like a child.

Azura would have been amused if it was any other person trying to coach her in politics.

"We're almost done, Corrin," Azura chided. "Plus, this will be crucial to your foreign knowledge of politics. We're meeting ambassadors from different kingdoms in a couple of months. You need to be as prepped as much as possible."

Corrin pouted.

"Come ooooon, Azura. Listen, I know that I'm capable of running an entire kingdom, but we can save this after we all get some sleep, you know?"

"You're not tired," Azura pointed out. "You're just drained of politics. I'm betting that if I told you that we had some battle to fight in fifteen minutes, you'd be springing on those feet of yours and dash out the door, Yato and all."

Takumi snickered. "Ah, I get it. Corrin's bored, not tired."

Corrin threw her hands in the air. "Okay, you've exposed me. But seriously, I wish that there was something more interesting to do."

Fifteen minutes later, Corrin would regret her words.

"Be careful for what you wish for" is what Leo would have told her had he been at Valla to help her manage Azura's lessons. In fact, he reminded her of that often, letting her be wary of her actions and her words.

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