Twisted Fates | 23

417 13 127

I don't own Fire Emblem.

This one got a little out of hand. With especially this one, I wasn't expecting it to be so long. It's 12K words, so like last time, absolutely make sure you have time to sit back before you read this. Otherwise, have fun with the finale of Twisted Fates!


Diana raised a hand and beckoned them forward. "Come here, dorks."

Odin almost crashed into the sisters, while Laslow immediately dragged Selena by her twin tails as the girl resisted. They melted into the most heartfelt of hugs, tear driven and completely emotionally wrecked.

And as the sun set behind them, Diana knew it was finally the end to a long journey. Everything was connected, and the journey, however fun it was, was at its end.


For the next three weeks, Diana and the others busied themselves with the recovery of the kingdom of Valla and the castle as well as their own. Everyone in the army worked hard and individually was driven to work on certain sets of reconstructing the building and the kingdom.

A majority of rebuilding and redecorating the palace was left to the magic wielders like Diana herself, so the others worked onto going through the numerous villages of Valla and approach the people to explain what had happened. Originally, it would have taken weeks to travel from place to place, almost a year to reach the farthest village, but with some magic teleportation and Diana's help, they managed to finish spreading the news by five days.

And the people were graciously thankful for the removal of their tyrant king. From Hayato's own words, the villages that he and his team visited were filled with celebrations, praising their new saviors. The other teams had a similar report as well. They all had their thanks directed to Corrin, who sheepishly accepted but tried to discredit herself in favor of the army.

For days, common folk that lived near the palace came to the doors of the palace to see the heroine that had saved them from years of misery and tyranny. It went up the point where Diana had to plaster on her political negotiating face and kindly direct the people away for another time before they started a mob at the front gates of Gyges.

It was a busy three weeks, but nothing Diana wasn't familiar with. After all, she had spent two years standing in as the temporary Queen Regent during Robin's absence. But Diana sympathized with the people who looked ragged and tired all day and every day when they ended another long day, and she soon found herself feeling the same.

Corrin's brothers and sisters left to their respective kingdoms to quell the war happening above and settle the violent matters. While technically all hostilities between two parties were completely vanquished due to the bonding the war in Valla brought them, they still had to officially settle terms of diplomacy. Immediately once they get home, Diana guessed, Xander and Ryoma would be crowned King of Nohr and Hoshido, and an official peace treaty would be signed throughout Valla, Hoshido, and Nohr.

So they left, but with promises to return soon and not without gifting Valla with gifts of land, which enabled them to help the reconstruction of Valla come faster. Laslow, Selena and Rukia went with them, both hugging Diana tightly and telling her that they would be back. Only Takumi and Leo stayed to help Corrin balance out all of the new political setting and finish repairing the kingdom.

Ryoma and Xander, as she expected, were crowned King of each of their respective nations. It was carefully scheduled so that everyone back in Valla would have time to attend, and so a week later Corrin and everyone traveled to Hoshido and Nohr to witness each of their coronation ceremonies. Diana had been amazed with each of their ceremonies and their customs, and had a joyful time in both kingdoms. Due to Ryoma and Xander's good word, the people of Nohr and Hoshido welcomed each other and Corrin.

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