Chapter Twenty Two

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I don't own Fire Emblem.


Diana's hands had just stopped glowing and she looked sheepishly at her parents as their mouths dropped. The whole entire mess hall was now officially damaged beyond repair. Lucina had Falchion out, looking just as guilty while Morgan hid behind both sisters.

"...Naga, what are you three doing?"

The sorceress smiled sheepishly. "...there was a bug."


After trekking for three more days, they managed to get closer and closer to their destination. Currently that day, it was nearing dinner time, and camp had already been set up. Diana was sure that they were going to reach the Mila tree by the next day.

She had dressed out of her usual armor and had gotten into her usual white day dress, her hair pulled into a braid over her right shoulder. Sitting on the grass near the training areas, where Lucina was hacking different training dummies to shreds, she read a book out loud per Morgan's request. The boy himself was sitting next to her, peering at the page they were on.

"Then suddenly she was thrown from the carriage," Diana read."Flying in the air, she went, before anyone could leap over and catch her. She could hear faint voices screaming her supposed name, but none stopped her as she hit the ground hard on the head. And before she submitted to unconsciousness, she could feel the moments and times that she had lost in amnesia flowing back to her-"

"That's it!" Morgan yelled, making Diana jump and nearly lose the page they were on. "Morgan, what is it? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong!" Morgan beamed. "I think I know how to get my memories back!"

Glancing at the page and quickly memorizing the number, she shut the book and glanced at her brother. "Do tell."

Morgan leaped up, pointing a finger up in the air. "Selene remembered everything after she hit the ground, basically having an accident and hitting her head hard, right?"

Diana looked at the book, which was titled Forgotten Days. It was one of her favorite books, as well as Morgan's and her mothers. " mean in the book? Yes...but what are you saying?"

Morgan smirked. "What if I have a traumatic accident of my own? Then maybe I can remember everything that I've lost!"

Diana blinked. "Wha-"

"Oh, maybe you can help me! You could, like, summon a pole and then 'accidentally' hit my head or something-"

"Morgan, no."

"Aww, please?"

"Morgan, I am not going to hit your head with a pole to see if it will retain your memories."

The teen himself pouted, rolling his eyes. "Diana, please? I know you want my memories back as much as I do."

"That does not mean that I'm going to risk harming you. Father, Mother, and Lucina would have my head, if I didn't slap myself first," the sorceress replied, shaking her head. "Morgan, there's better ways to remember. Besides, didn't we agree a few days ago to slow down on this?"

Morgan huffed. "I just want to remember you, Luci, and Father so bad!"

Diana ruffled her younger brother's hair playfully. "So what? It doesn't mean that you need to go around doing stupid things like hitting your head on a pole. A traumatic accident isn't going to miraculously return your memories."

"I-I know..." Morgan sighed, lowering his head. Seeing that he was feeling disappointed, Diana resolved to rub his back comfortingly. "I just don't want to burden you and Lucy too much."

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