The Second Chance | 8

180 11 7

I don't own Fire Emblem.


Chrom cleared his throat and began speaking.

"Twenty two of you have chosen to not involve Lady Diana in our plan, five abstained from voting...and twenty four have chosen for Lady Diana to join our ruse. Therefore, Lady Diana will be brought up to be questioned by the Ylissean court."

There were five seconds of silence before the whole room exploded.


Margaret glanced at the blade that Diana pulled out from under her mattress, her eyes glinting with interest. "So this is the Kyuseishu," she murmured, inching closer slightly, before frowning and straightening up.

"Yeah," Diana nodded. "I would have shown you days ago, but we were so busy with our individual works that I couldn't get a chance. Fortunately, things seemed to have calmed down after my father finished his tours."

"It looks much like a regular sword. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were lying."

Sheathing the sword back and putting it under her mattress, Diana plopped back onto her bed. "Yes, but that's what makes it dangerous. This sword was particularly made for eliminating half-breeds of Grimleal and servants of Naga, as they would have sorcery which Grima could use to his advantage, but it's functions of being able to eliminate the sides of Naga's bloodline and Grima's bloodline stays the same. While it may not be able to eliminate existences, which is only effective if you are a spawn of both bloodlines, it can erase memories in effect and could be highly dangerous. If a normal person used this sword thinking it was a regular sword, I don't really want to imagine the consequences."

"When you put it that way, stealing the sword does seem like a smart idea," Margaret murmured.

Diana pouted. "Hey, I didn't steal it! Technically, it still belongs to me!"

"It's literally something that killed you."

"Don't remind me," she grimaced. "But still. The minute I saw this sword I had to take it. It's dangerous in the wrong hands."

A knock startled both women. "Lady Diana?" A muffled voice asked. "Are you available at the moment?"

The women exchanged looks before Diana got up, opening the door. She was startled to see Chrom standing outside, smiling politely.

"Fa-" she stopped herself. "Milord. What is the matter?"

"I'm sorry to bother you at this time," Chrom didn't seem to catch her near slip. "I have a private situation that I would like to speak to you about. Will you spare me a moment of your time?"

She blinked, and Margaret nearly dropped a few pens she was picking up. "I-I'm sorry, but what for, milord?"

Chrom peeked into the room, and saw Margaret sitting at the desk timidly. She gave him a small wave, and he sighed before he straightened up again. "I'm afraid it's much confidential matters, Lady Diana," he said apologetically. "What I'm about to discuss with you is going to remain utmost private. Can I trust your word?"

Swallowing, Diana side-glanced at Margaret, who shrugged. Diana turned back to Chrom, biting her lip.

"I will follow you, milord."


Diana was surprised to step into Chrom's study.

She was even more surprised to find Alina, Lissa, and a grumpy looking Macentos waiting for them.

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