Lost In History | 2

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I don't own Fire Emblem.

Awakening never really goes far in expanding on how advanced its technology is, so just for now, let's assume that on a standpoint, newspapers exist.

Because if magic can exist, then so can newspapers.


She didn't know what awaited her when she met Lucina at Ylisstol's square. She really didn't. A part of her was pleading that Lucina would remember who she is at least, and that Diana wasn't the only one in the middle of this crazy world.

Diana pleaded to Naga silently.

'My lady, please help us solve whatever situation we are encountering right now. Because honestly...I'm not even sure if I understand the problem I need to fix.'


Diana tore her way through the bustling streets of Ylisstol. She shoved her way past people, mumbling apologies here and there, but other than that, she didn't really stop to see who she was crashing into.

She was solely focused on finding her sister, and the only other thing keeping her mind occupied was keeping her hood up, just in case the palace came out with the entire situation and she would have to go into real hiding. Minding her step was difficult with each turn, but her objective was clear.

She finally managed to arrive at Ylisstol's square, the center of the capital from the front of the palace to the outskirts of Ylisstol. Diana looked around frantically, begging, pleading for her sister to show up.

She turned around, wringing her hands around her necklace uncomfortably. It was one thing that she was happy about appearing with her - and she often found herself playing with it more often than she should during this entire wreck of a day.

Diana pleaded with Naga.

'Please, please, please, please, please-'


She turned around at the sound of her name so fast, she was afraid that her cloak had smacked someone in the face.

Lucina stood there, equally as stunned. She was also in her battle armor, missing her golden tiara. Falchion was slung to her side, although Diana noted that she had taken precautions to carefully hide it so that it didn't appear to be the holy sword of Naga.


"Stop." Diana held out a hand in front of her. "Please."

She couldn't be sure.

This world had been playing tricks on her ever since she had woken up. The entire palace staff no longer recognized her as a friend. Her father barely knew who she was. One of her most comforting places has suddenly become eerie and unfamiliar, and she didn't know if she could come back to it yet.

This Lucina could be affected the same. She could know Diana, sure, but was she the same Lucina that Diana knew? The same sister that Diana had struggled with, fought with, laughed with? Or was she also affected by this world's strange changes?

A flicker of hurt appeared on Lucina's face at Diana's hesitance, but she steadied herself quickly.

"It's really me," she said. "I swear. I promise."

Diana stared at her.

Could it be possible that this was her Lucina? Not...a Lucina that had suddenly forgotten who she was?

The Second Princess [indefinite hiatus.]Where stories live. Discover now