The Second Chance | 10

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I don't own Fire Emblem.


But before she could digest the shock of what had just happened, something crashed through her bedroom window and tumbled right into her room. Diana startled, quickly scrambling up and readying her magic.

A bandit had invaded her room, and the only part of his face uncovered were his glinting eyes. He had three daggers in his hand, a sword in the other, and five knives strapped to his waist.

He met Diana's eyes, and seemed to smirk. "Sorceress. Why don't we have a little chat?"


Diana's eyes widened. Her battle sense engaged, and in seconds she was in her armor, her hand enveloped in fire for a spell. "Who the hell are you and what do you want with me?!"

The bandit didn't flinch. "They were right - you are quite feisty. Expected." His eyes narrowed. "You know exactly what we want."

"I'm afraid I have no idea," she replied curtly, tightening her fist. "Get out of here before I call the guards, or worse, attack you."

The bandit sighed, suddenly breaking into a quiet stroll around her bedroom. Diana, though frequently trying to come up with plans, kept her eyes trailed on him.

"I knew you would be so stubborn in this matter." He sighed, coming right up to her. His eyes were a vivid color of hazel, almost mirroring Diana's brown. "Listen, sorceress. I did not come here to beg. Give my tribe what we want, and the palace will be left unscathed."

"Even if I knew what the hell, why would I give it to you?" Diana hissed in return, her brows furrowing down. "I'm just a simple sorceress who happens to be the bodyguard of one of the suitors. What do you want?"

The bandit let out a barking laugh. "My, oh my, do you know the origins of your powers, little sorceress? You're a very rare type, you see."

Diana's lips twisted into a frown. "So I've heard," she said plainly. "But what about my powers? Again, what do you want?!"

The bandit paused, looking at her again. Diana took this chance to study him carefully. Since he seemed to have an abundant of weapons, compared to the bandits she had fought days before, he was either the leader or the head subordinate. Either way, he was a strong foe.

"It seems as if you do not know what we want, do you?"

"Of course not," she replied plainly, looking at him incredulously. "So spit it out before I blast a volley of fire right into your guts. Why is your tribe attacking this peaceful palace?"

He laughed again. "My dear sorceress, we are the Blood Magic Tribe. We do not seek to disturb peace."

She bit back the urge to curse at him, but held her tongue. "If I recall, the Blood Magic Tribe always desires to steal magic items of worth. Do you believe something in my possession is worth taking?"

"Little sorceress, it is called retrieving, not stealing," he scolded lightly, backing away from her slightly. "Here's the thing, sorceress. If you answer honestly and tell me that you will give me what we want, you will get out of here alive."

Diana snorted. "I don't against me seems a little unfair, you know? Do you really want to try fighting against a sorceress?"

She was being cocky, but she had to scare him. And it worked a little - his eyes widened slightly, but it faded away.

"Oh, I won't be the one fighting you, sorceress," he corrected. "You see...I have my entire tribe positioned outside the palace right now. The second you refuse to hand it over, my men will immediately light this entire place on fire. Do you really want that?"

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