To Kid or Not to Kid

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I don't own Fire Emblem.

Major thanks to Sophia_Redwood for the one shot idea!


It was like Diana left her family for five minutes and everything went to hell.

When Tharja's experiment goes haywire, Chrom, Robin, and an assembly of other Shepherds are accidentally reverted back to their five year old selves - body and mind, because of course, fate couldn't make things more complicated. Now Lucina, Diana, and Morgan have to babysit their parents while Tharja runs around trying to find a counter for the horrific yet humorous accident.


People were terrifying in different ways. Some were the large, violent types of terrifying, while others relied on stealth and skill to scare away their opponents. Others would recall how another individual's wits terrified them the most, whereas people were terrified of the ones who practically radiated the word "scary" with their eyes.

When people described Diana Celeste, based on levels of intimidation, she was usually someone with a temper that could not be appeased when ignited. She rarely got angry, but if she did, then get out of her way because gods, she would go on a warpath. There would be no stopping her unless you were either of the following - her father, mother, her siblings, and perhaps Inigo and some close friends.

Basically, if you pissed the Sorcerer Princess off, you were undeniably screwed.

But Diana had a different kind of anger that she could hone. One that was more horrifying and nerve wrecking than the others, one that she had probably inherited from her mother. That was the cold, dead silent type, the one where her eyes would light on fire, but her facial expression would not change. The one where it looked like she was plotting a secret homicide, without changing her posture.

Lucina's blood would run cold every single time Diana would practically become stone, yet her eyes would be flickering back and forth. Even she, her older sister, someone who was worthy of wielding Falchion and technically the firstborn heir of an entire halidom, would immediately get out of her way when Diana would be struck silent at a severe insinuation.

She was one of the lucky ones who had never gotten to be a victim of Diana's slow, tedious revenge, but had witnessed it beforehand many times. Even as a child, Diana was threatening to many people who infuriated her, such as Macentos, for one. He was served with Diana's anger plenty. Even Margaret remembered her first experience as Chrom's suitor half a decade ago, and recalled that Diana had stared at her with those exact same eyes before she released those heavy yet true insults at the heiress.

After the war against Grima and the return from the Worlds of Fates, Lucina could tell that her sister was less and less the deadly silent type and tended to let her anger go. She was more careful yet explosive, and had somehow lost her level headed attitude when it came to dealing with problems. If anything, Lucina was kind of relieved to assume that her sister had lost her sense of silent plotting due to anger.

But she assumed wrong, she supposed, as she was currently watching Diana's eyes light up in frustration and anger, her lips pursed and her arms hanging limply from her sides, apparently having gone numb from the shock.

Lucina couldn't blame her, as she was also slightly pissed at the news Tharja had brought them, but she was still scared to see the dangerous shift in her sister's mood, which had been rather cheerful from the future children's outing literally fifteen minutes ago.

"Please tell me you're joking," Diana said flatly. She didn't look amused - at all.

"I'm not," Tharja said stiffly. "Don't give me that face or I'll hex you."

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