Chapter Twelve

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I don't own Fire Emblem.


Slipping back on her glove, Diana leaned against the structure she had been hiding behind.

She was safe. Lucina was safe. Morgan was safe, as well as her friends.

Her job was done for now.


"No! Absolutely unacceptable!"

Macentos glowered at the couple, who defiantly stared at him back. Lissa and Diana stood on the side, giving him glares of their own as well. Not to mention the disapproving looks from Alina and the rest of the Shepherds staring back at him.

They were currently in the throne room, where Macentos and the rest of the councilors had been summoned to be aware of Robin and Chrom's engagement. It was about a day after Robin had come back, and the couple couldn't have been even happier with the turn of events.

Macentos however was not taking it lightly.

"This defies the tradition of our forefathers!" He continued to rant, ignoring the dirty looks being thrown into his way. "Not to mention that this is not a trustworthy bride that would follow the guidelines of a perfect queen!"

Diana clenched her fists, turning red. "I beg your pardon?" She replied back in the same tone. "The untrusty bride that you are talking about also happens to be the woman who was the mastermind behind defeating Mad King Gangrel. She has been Chrom's most loyal partner from the moment they met. So tell me, good sir, in what ways is she not beneficial to the Ylissean crown?"

"She...she..." Macentos sputtered. "She is an outsider!"

"She hasn't been so ever since she joined the ranks of the Shepherds, and I assure you that she has no reason against us." Lissa snapped. "She is a good person, and I'm sure a majority of people in this room at this very moment agree!"

Exchanges of nods were passed around the room. Robin stared at everyone around her.

"She is a nuisance in court!"

"I'm sorry," Cecelia took a step forward from where she and the other suitors had been watching silently from the sidelines. "But who's more of a nuisance here?"

"How dare you?!" Macentos glowered. "I will tell you that I am part of the head councilor of the Ylissean council, and you have just insulted the Ylissean co-"

"Oh shut it, old man! I've tolerated you for long enough!"

"I beg your pardon? Just because you are worthy enough to be chosen as Chrom's bride does not mean that you can-"

"Oh my goodness, would all of you just be quiet?" Diana snapped, losing her cool exterior. "I'm sure there are better ways to deal with this right now."

"Do you want to be pulled into this argument too, Lady Diana?" Macentos said in a mocking tone. "I will be glad to-"

"Enough!" Alina shouted, simultaneously shutting everyone up. She glared at anyone who even dared to open their mouth. Even Diana knew better to start talking at a time like that.

She turned to Chrom and Robin, the two looking at her nervously. Giving them a kind smile, she nodded and bowed her head. "You have the Ylissean court blessings to continue on with this marriage. As Superior Head Councilor of the Ylissean court, I speak for all as I say that it could not be a more perfect union."

The councilors behind Alina nodded in approval, and a wave of relief spread out through everyone else in the room.

Everyone except for a certain councilor.

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