The Roster

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I don't own Fire Emblem.

A little more than a year ago (I think), Emilyabcde1ara tagged me to write something based off of The Roster DLC. I've had this in my notes for the LONGEST TIME ever since I saw that, and now...I finally get to write it.

Since this is post-canon Awakening, I had to twist some things up...that hopefully adds to the humor in here.

Credit to Emilyabcde1ara for the idea!!!


In which one book almost caused the disbandment of the strongest militia of Ylisse.


The Shepherds. Ylisse's finest militia.

The most powerful army on in the kingdom, and perhaps the continent. Once as a volunteering unit, now they were united together as a task force that ruled under the hand of Exalt Chrom. They were powerful, insanely strong, unstoppable...and the only militia with personal first name privileges to their prestigious employer, despite the yapping of Frederick the Wary.

If a tourist came into visit the barracks, the living quarters of this militia, they would expect many things. Training, dignity, and might would reek in the air. Strong warriors would peek at every corner in their imagination, talking in serious and monotonous voices.

Unfortunately for them, their expectations would be completely destroyed the second they stepped a foot into the area.

Because while the militia was a powerful crew, they were two things that you wouldn't expect from a professional army.

Motley and colorful.

Chrom laughed quietly to himself as he stepped into the barracks, observing his friends and allies. They were most certainly not what you would expect from a professional militia. Even the Ylissean foot army was more hands on and stern than the Shepherds - sometimes he wondered how they had won numerous wars.

He didn't have time to ponder this, however. Frederick was already pulling him through the gates of the barracks, face flushed with panic. Lissa was dangling from his other arm, as startled as her brother.

"No rush needed, Frederick," Chrom tried to pace him. "I'm sure whatever emergency that Miriel has for us doesn't need our immediate attention - unless someone was dying, but I highly doubt that."

"Milord," Frederick grunted, "believe me when I say that if we don't resolve this mess, then something will definitely die today."

Chrom exchanged confused glances with Lissa. "What will die?" The princess asked.

Frederick's face was grim. "Our pride."


After a long drag, they finally made it to the main library's office. Miriel greeted them with a face that was just as flustered as the knight's. It didn't get better when she saw Chrom, although her eyebrows started to separate from each other slowly.

"We have a problem," she started.

"So I see," Chrom deadpanned, looking around him. Shelves were bare of books, which were all tossed to the ground in a heap of a mess. Doors to drawers were loosely hanging open, papers strewn about. "What's the issue?"

Miriel took a look at Frederick, and then back at Chrom.

"Can one of you guys just say it?" Lissa burst out. "Frederick suddenly hauled us both away out of nowhere! No offense, but I wanted to spend this morning with my husband and my son."

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