Twisted Fates | 10

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I don't own Fire Emblem.


Her eyes shot up. "Please say so."

"Your mother is two months with child. With you."

The teacup fell from her hands.


Diana sat silently in the pub with her hands clasped tightly together. There were some men frolicking around that gave her infatuated stares here and there, but Diana didn't make any motion to stop them nor did she continue to allow it.

Her mind was spinning from the information with the Rainbow Sage, who she had left two hours prior after thanking him for the information (and apologizing for the teacup fragments that littered his table after the shock of the sudden news) and bidding him goodbye and good luck. So apparently she was on the right track, and finding the traitor was the best thing she could do right now. All she could do is bluff around her sister and friends.

And her mother was pregnant with her baby self.

Diana sucked in a breath, before collapsing herself within her hands, propping her chin against her forearm. She couldn't believe that her younger version, assuming that the course of time will be somewhat similar even if their future was now a paradox, was going to come soon. Unlike her and Lucina's three year age gap, this little one would have a four year age gap with Lucy instead.

Typical. Of course there would be changes in time after they conquered Grima.

There were some changes that Diana knew would take place if the baby was her. For one, the child would have Robin's hair instead of Diana's half black and half white. Naga had told her that her hair was originally supposed to be her mother's snowy white, but when the clashing of bloodlines happened it had caused the ink black to seep through.

Another major change is that her younger self wouldn't have powers. Because Grima was defeated and Robin was free of the bloodline, her younger self wouldn't have a chance at having any magic. Her magic was caused by the collusion of Naga and Grima's bloodlines, and when Robin had passed away the first time, it had completely vanished in this world. The Diana of this world would not have any powers whatsoever.

(Although she wished she could see herself have powers as a young toddler. Surly that would be entertaining to watch, but she supposed some things couldn't come to pass.)

Diana wondered if that would typically make any difference whatsoever, but she couldn't quite place it. Instead she just wondered how it felt to see her younger self all the time, like Lucina and Lucy. It was a little strange to think of, but it warmed her heart a lot.

She was excited.

But also anxious, because knowing her younger self was on the way, she knew she had to quickly find the Imperium Diamond before Anankos found out about her.


Jumping, Diana looked up to find Corrin staring at her from behind her. Quickly plastering on a smile, Diana glanced at the dragon princess. "What is it, Corrin? You're back already?"

Corrin nodded, although there was a seemingly glum look in her eye. "Yes. We have the information we need from the Rainbow Sage. We've also gained many allies on the way."

"Oh, do te-" Diana squinted at the Yato, which had-

"Has your sword changed?"


Corrin filled her in with all the information Diana had missed as they walked back to Corrin's army, which was now on their way to their next destination.

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