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10:30am Malfoy Manor

Malfoy edged closer. Looking down at her. Sat politely with her legs crossed on the sofa.
Slowly, he got down on his knees, to her level, and smirked, staying kneeled in front of her crossed legs for a few seconds.
"Open them." He demanded.
She gasped slightly, and hesitated before stretching her legs open shyly, and blushing.
She was never normally like this, but she couldn't deny that her body just wanted him- so badly. And she didn't know why, sure he was going to get her out of here - but he hadn't exactly acted like the nicest wizard she'd ever met. A death eater after all. And she certainly didn't side with Voldemort, she assumed he did, being a death eater. Although he hadn't spoke to her about the dark Lord much since being at the manor.

He grazed his eyes over her feet and then slowly up her legs before resting on her inner thighs. Black tight panties covering her decency. Not for long.
He reached forward and teased at each edge of her underwear to pull down her legs. She froze, not wanting to interrupt or stop him. Her panties were already soaked and Draco seemed to notice as he slid them off her ankles. He rose them up to his mouth, smirking, deep eye contact, and forced out his tongue in one long stroke across the insides of her underwear.

She gulped loudly again, as he tucked them into his trouser pocket.
She hated but loved the power he held over her. He devoured it, watching her squirm under his sightful gaze brought a deepening of pleasure that sprung up between his legs.

The soft fluid draped along the panties tasted sweet in his mouth, and he had so missed the flavour. Her open pussy was staring directly back at him, her neat tight folds slightly shiny with the gloss of her remaining sweet nectar.
"Let's really try this wand out shall we?"

And he edged toward her, sliding slightly on his knees, before leaning in closer. He rubbed at her clit slightly and she whimpered a little under his touch. He scoffed to himself and rubbed along the wand. Stroking at the tip, it was only then she realised what he was going to do.
He slid the wand through her tight folds, only slightly, before looking up to her for a reaction. She was breathing heavily, digging her fingernails into the sofa with anticipation. He pushed the wand in further, and twisted it inside her, before pulsating it further and further inside her.

Moans escaped her lips as she looked down at the wand that was quickly disappearing inside her. Angled at such a way, that it was hitting at the back of her cervix, tickling at her g-spot, making her wetter as each second passed.
Draco lapped it up, greedily licking at his lips and concentrating on pumping the wand in and out of her slit. The wand fitted perfectly between her folds and she moaned louder now as he picked up the pace.

"Little whore." He remarked, his erection throbbing hard between his legs.

He simply couldn't help it, she looked so fucking delicious, with her head tilted back, eyes closed with pleasure. Iris' cheeks were flushed as she gripped her hands tighter into the material of the sofa, and Draco twisted the wand around inside her. The pleasure was unimaginable, and this time he didn't even have to use his fingers. She found herself bucking her hips closer toward him in an attempt to get him to push the wand in further.

"Such a little slag."

She moaned and he licked at his teeth, pulling the wand out and slotting it into his mouth, tasting at her juices, before sliding it back inside her dripping folds. Her uncontrollable groans made it more obvious to him that she was close to her orgasm. Although this time it felt more built up than normal, and he could physically see her slit throbbing around the wand.

"Malfoy, I'm going to..."
He pulled the wand out of her and a load moan escaped her plump lips as she squirted out her wet ejaculation, dripping down onto the sofa. He dropped the wand and placed his hands around her hips, pulling her closer before licking at her throbbing pussy, lapping up the edges of it. She was moaning still, breathing heavily with pleasure of her intense orgasm.
He picked himself up off his knees and slung himself beside her on the sofa.

A few seconds passed in silence as Malfoy tucked a strand of her soft hair behind her ear. Her glowing post orgasm face was just adorable in his opinion. Iris opened her lips to speak, "Draco?"
"Do you mind if I ask you a question?"
"Go on." He seethed back.
"You really aren't like I thought you would be. What is this, I mean, between us?" She looked down afraid to ask the question.
"It's nothing Iris. A bit of fun, but then it has to go back to being nothing. For your sake."
She sighed at his reply, "I can't help the way my body feels, this feels like more to me."

She looked at him from across the sofa. She could tell, he deserved better. Like her, Maybe they could deserve each other. If he just stopped being so bloody stubborn.

Draco's face suddenly switched to defensive mode, he moved away from her and stood up, hands in his pockets. He paced up and down in front of her, face stern and angry.
"Why can't you just fucking understand that this is it for us?! This is all we fucking get." He was breathing harder now, and she quivered in her seat slightly, uncomfortable as his face turned a darker shade of red.
"I've had to fucking come to terms with it, and so should you!"
He was shouting now, but looking back at her wasn't a man of anger, but a boy that was truly broken.

"Draco... I've only really known you for a few days? What do you mean you've had to come to terms with it?"

He helplessly looked back at her, face scrunched up, as she stood to face him.
He shouted across at her,
"Ever since I gave you that fucking necklace I knew you loved me back. And now, every day I have to come to terms with that fact that that's not the case anymore! You don't love me and I'm not allowed to love you. AND IT'S JUST SO FUCKING UNFAIR!"

Iris' jaw dropped as she replayed his words in her head. "This necklace," she held it between her fingers, "It is from you?"

He took a hand to his jaw and mouth as he realised what had slipped out. Fuck sake, this was going to make the whole saying goodbye thing at least ten times harder. He slowly nodded back at her.

"But- but, when? How? I don't remember?"

"Right. This wasn't part of the plan but you've got to promise me if I tell you this, if I show you, that you carry on with our plan as normal. I get you out of here, in way my father doesn't suspect, he needs to think that you are dead. Then you leave- and you never come back. You never see, never even think of me again. Do you understand?"

"Look I..."

"Iris you have to agreed to that or I'm never going to explain. Just promise me you'll still leave without a trace as planned?"

She hesitated with confusion for a few seconds before nodding her head.
"Yes. I agree. I'll go. I won't ever see you again, just please explain it to me. Nothing makes sense!"

He walked over to her sharply and grabbed her hand before dragging her down to the sofa and lying her down, kneeling by her head. Pulling his wand out he raised it up to her temple.

"Please don't hurt me, what the hell are you doing?"

"This is probably a bad fucking decision but fuck it. I'm going to reverse the spell. Get your memory back."

She opened her mouth to speak with confusion but he placed a finger against her plump lips to quieten her.
Then he closed his eyes, wand against her temple, and chanted with a whisper the complicated reversal charm. It was difficult to remember and he really had to concentrate deep into his mind. A spell like this wasn't easy to carry out, it wasn't even certain that it would work.

It was a good job the day he removed her memory that he had learnt this chant over and over. Almost like he knew from that day he did it that he could never truly be without her. It could be a terrible decision, but it had to be worth it.

He had never known it possible to fall in love with somebody twice, and surely that meant something.

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