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8:00pm dorm room

Syd bursted through the door and grinned at Iris crashing down onto her bed. She had just met up with Blaise.

"How was it ?" Iris smiled her mind clearly pre occupied.
"Great!" Syd exclaimed.
"He took me for a butterbeer, then we made out for a bit. I mean at the moment it's just a bit of fun, but he totally is so fit. And to be honest, he's been nicer to me than I thought. I always thought their whole group was pretty nasty."

Syd shrugged with a laugh and lit up a cigarette, looking towards Pansy, who was unlocking the dorm room door and leaving with a scowl.
Iris laughed into her hands. She couldn't help but feel sad though,  about the way that Blaise was treating Syd, and comparing it to the way Malfoy had been speaking to her, slut, he would spit it and the words would ring in her ears.
"I'm glad you had a good time. As long as he's nice to you, you two seem good together." Iris smiled.

"Sooo what shall we do tonight?" Syd teased, "You got homework tonight?"
"Busy tonight." Iris smirked towards Syd with a smile, "Meeting somebody...."

"MALFOY! You are meeting up with Malfoy! Iris Banks I never thought I'd see the day. I mean you and Draco Malfoy!"

Iris laughed, "Please Syd, It's nothing serious. He asked to meet me tonight in class today, I've no clue what he wants but it's probably not good."
Syd frowned abruptly, "Look I'm all for this new confident Iris but do be careful with Draco. Hell we know what he can be like."

Iris stood up and peeped into her wardrobe for an idea of something to wear that wouldn't leave Malfoy with the word slut dripping off his tongue.
"Trust me Syd, I'm being careful. I'm just going to see what he wants. I'll probably be back within the hour."
Iris decided to stick with her leggings, but pulled her green hoodie down further over her curves whilst fixing her hair in the mirror.
"You're not dressing to impress then?" Syd pleaded with a laugh, the girl was obsessed with a good makeover.

"No need Syd. Me and Draco are nothing, and it's going to stay that way."

9:05pm Astronomy tower

Iris' Fingers fiddled in her hair as she pulled out loose blonde strands, walking up the cold dark stairs of the Astronomy tower. It was silent, with all but the slow blow of the wind as she stepped up higher and higher. She was nervous, wondering what Malfoy could want, but she imagined Syds voice in her head telling her to be confident with herself, to not let him walk all over her. She didn't even know if he would turn up.

But, as she reached the top, she peered round to see Malfoy stood with his back to her, looking out onto the deep night sky splattered with stars, his blonde hair moving slightly with the wind. He was in his usual black attire, and looked smart, from what she could see.
She shuffled closer, and her foot scuffed the ground, and so Malfoy whipped around to face her. His smirk plastered quickly onto his chiselled features.

"Ah. Banks. I had started to think you weren't going to come." 

"Didn't want to be known as a fucking pussy," she quoted from his letter, "Why did you want me to come anyway?"
She questioned crossing her arms across her bust with a slight shiver. A sudden confidence had washed over her before a loud click indicated him moving closer to her, she looked up at him, mere centimetres away from his chest, she could almost hear his heartbeat and his warm breath eradicated a minty scent up her through her nostrils.

She gulped and her eyes widened with innocence, whilst his eyes narrowed with protection over her.

And with that, he dove down towards her lips, he couldn't deny his attraction any longer, and her innocent eyes and rosebud lips proved too much for him to handle. Pulling her in tighter, he slipped his tongue into her mouth, caressing her face and moving slowly against her lips.
She melted into him with a soft moan, her hands gripping around his stomach. In that moment, lips locked, she couldn't deny it just felt so right to be close to him. Never in her life had she felt more protected, more wanted, more watched over, than with his arms around her neck. He dotted quick kisses over her cheeks and mouth, as she tipped her head back with pleasure.

Between kisses and breathes he whispered,
"Don't .... think .... this ... means ... anything."

"I know." She whispered back between a soft moan but with a slight tinge of sadness in her voice.
Draco lapped up every second with her, his arms gripping around her waist and sliding down onto her lower back and over her behind.

Iris felt this long hard cock rubbing against her stomach. She couldn't help but imagine the intense feeling of pleasure and pain, how it could feel with him inside her, for him to taunt her, tease her and fuck her hard. She knew he would do it hard, with his hands around her neck.
His hands seemed to fit perfectly around her neck and the hard squeeze caused Iris to wince, but with a moan. She couldn't help but moan when he had his hands all over her body.

"Get on your fucking knees Iris."

He scowled and she obediently nodded.
"Yes." She nodded, kneeling down submissively.
"Yes what?"
"Yes daddy."
Draco smirked, his cock growing harder hearing those innocent words drip off her tongue, and she continued to undo his belt and pull down his trousers.
Iris gasped, even though his black boxers she could tell it was big, really big, bigger than she had ever dealt with before. She could feel her pants getting wetter with his every moan as his strong arms leaned and held himself up against the wall. Iris teased him through his boxers.

"Fucking do it. I want to feel those innocent little lips wrapped around my cock."
He spat in-between a groan escaping from his mouth.
And with that, Iris pulled his boxers down and watched his erect cock sit up towards his stomach. She began rubbing her hands down the shaft and spitting on him to help lubricate, and he moaned a sharp "fuck." as he watched down on her.
She brought her lips to the tip and the sweet taste of his pre cum ignited something inside of her, her pink swollen lips pushed his cock further inside of her mouth.

She was good, the best Draco had ever had, and she certainly didn't hold back.

He pulled her hair and pushed her head forward sharply to take in more of his cock, she gagged but obediently proceeded to take more, until it was slipping down through the slides of her throat.
Malfoy didn't reckon she would've been able to deep throat, but god was he glad, he'd never had anyone be able to take as much of him as she had and her perfect rose bud lips seemed to fit to perfectly around his cock, he felt so good rubbing up and down her throat.
She continued for a few minutes, working on him, using her hands and swirling her tongue around the tip, whilst he moaned breathlessly as she pushed him down her throat again. He felt so good inside her mouth.

"Look up at me whilst you suck on me."
"I want to see those innocent eyes water."
Iris looked up at him, her mouth now dripping with his precum, her blue eyes glossy with the pain of his cock so far down the back of her throat. Her eyes began to water as she moved his cock further inside her.

In that moment, Iris had never looked more perfect to him, as he looked down at her beautiful glossy eyes.
"I'm going to cum Iris. You need to swallow it for daddy like a good girl." He breathed.

Iris submissively nodded, his cock still in her mouth, and moaned into his cock, the vibrations caused a final loud moan from draco as he ejaculated into her mouth. She swallowed every last drop, wiping the sides of her mouth and pulling him out. He was breathing fast, as was she, and she looked up at him with those great innocent eyes he couldn't resist.
He tasted masculine but sweet, Iris craved his pleasure, craved more of him, he had tasted amazing.

And god did Draco crave her. This had confirmed it for him. What if he couldn't ever get Iris banks out of his system? What if this was how it felt, to be truly attracted to someone.
He had decided in this moment that she was his. His to look after, to protect from harm.

He hoped she didn't notice how broken he was.
And she hoped the same, she had never considered telling anyone her biggest secret apart from Draco in this moment, the way he looked at her lovingly with protection made her feel safe. And if she could stay there forever, then she would never have to worry about her secret coming back to haunt her again. She would be safe.
He would be safe.
Maybe they could save each other.
Iris stood up and kissed Draco's jaw and he fixed his belt.

"This still doesn't mean anything." He lied.

"I know."

Yet they both knew it did mean something. Something so important it was too scary to admit.

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