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10:30am Great hall

"We have hardly hours left."
McGonagall was a strong woman, and it was the first time Syd and Iris had ever really seen her crack under pressure. The deatheaters were closing in. She looked extremely rundown and tired.
Students were running around the halls in, panic, and they had been since the early hours of the morning.
"Please professor. What can we do to help?"
"Elledge. You and miss Banks have done enough to help, when the death eaters enter the castle, You must protect eachother. Must all protect eachother." Her words echoed louder and she looked toward Syd and Iris before eyeing over the group of students that were stood in the hall.
All standing wide eyed, scared of the unexpected, clutching at their wands. All from different houses, wanting and waiting to save the school they so desperately loved.

A tall boy stepped forward from the crowd of students, a worried look etched on his face, "Is it true Professor that Harry Potter has been sighted near?"
"Yes Longbottom. And if you come with me, I may have an idea of how you can get him back to us and the rest of our students. We will need him after all."
He nodded and followed her out the hall, the rest of the students muttered and whispered to each other with the new knowledge that the Dark Lords ultimate enemy may be back to fight. Now the war was truly underway.
Syd moved toward her friends ear and whispered as they watched the pair walk out to prepare for Potters arrival, "What's his name again?"
"Neville. I think. He was in my transfigurations class in fifth year." Iris replied with a whisper back. "Griffindor. Mates with Potter."
"Of course. If he brings fucking Potter back here quick, then this war is gunna start even sooner than anticipated. Let's hope he's as useless as he looks. I do could with a few more hours off."
Iris giggled at Syd's lightening of the somber mood that was echoing throughout the dimly lit hall.
Iris however couldn't stop her thoughts from turning back to Malfoy, of course she knew he would be coming back into the castle when the death eaters returned. But she thought it would probably be best to resist all her temptations if she saw him, and to avoid him, and most certainly avoid his family. After all, now they were just numbers on different sides of a war. Her thoughts on the outcome of the war were becoming more and more overpowering.
What would happen afterward?

The group of students were sat out in the hall accompanied by a few of the order members, and also a few professors. This would be where they would stay situated until they were needed to fight.
Iris stared over at Slughorn who was sat chewing at his fingernails.
The wards protecting the outside of the Castle were strong, but the mood simply showed that they all knew it wasn't quite strong enough to hold them back.

Blaise had also joined the group of students, accompanied by Pansy and Astoria,who schronizingly rolled their eyes before joining the two girls unwillingly.
Pansy looked Iris up and down, before laughing and tucking a gentle strand of her jet black hair behind her ear, Just as Blaise tugged Syd into a warm 'glad to see you' embrace.
"Banks." Pansy sneered, followed by a giggle from Astoria.
"Not joined by my Malfoy then? Oh yeh- forgot he's a fucking Deatheater." She laughed and Iris looked down at her feet, unknowing for what to say next, as Syd scowled back in Iris' defence.
"I'm sure Lucius can't wait for him to meet someone who's family is dark with a perfect bloodline. I mean after you saw all those letters he was sending to me too? Pathetic. Really." Pansy inched closer to Iris' face.
"That's because I know it was all a fucking set up Pansy. Get out of my face." Iris turned slightly, her voice quiet, before Pansy smirked and grabbed a tight hold on her wrist to stop her.
"When Lucius arrives we'll see who he thinks is going to be a better match for his Son. And I think we both know who is always going to win."
Astoria and Pansy turned to eachother and laughed hysterically and Blaise frowned at them before he pulled both Syd and Iris out from under their menacing glares.

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