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7:00pm Alnerwick

A week. An entire week since the funeral.
Nothing felt the same, felt right- but he had Iris beside him everyday and fuck did that make it easier.

He clenched his fingers harder around the newspaper he was holding, to the point where the edges started to rip.


A picture of his father was staring back at him as well, with cold eyes but a sad expression that Draco knew was all a fucking lie. His name was mentioned in the article to, 'Malfoy's run away son, suspected for murder?'

He dropped it, a blank emotionless expression taking place of his anger. Now he was being suspected for his own mother's murder.
He looked up to Iris who was leaning against the wall, black smudged around her eyes from a lack of sleep. Hair messily tied up and a large top hanging over her shoulders.
"Read it." He scowled, leaning back on his chair as she passed him the cigarette from her lips for him to take a drag. Salazar knew he needed it.

"Do I want to?" She sighed, taking the paper and staring for herself at the picture of Lucius Malfoy. And then reading- her expression being one of pure disgust. Draco clenched his teeth and breathed in the sweet toxins of tobacco.
"Fuck." Iris breathed, eyes dancing over the words on the page.
"Yeah. Fuck." Draco scowled, "How the fuck has he got away with that?"

But he didn't even need an answer to his own question, because he knew how. His father was countlessly manipulative and probably had Rita fucking Skeeter wrapped around his little pinky too.
"What the fuck am I going to do." Draco scowled as he looked up at her now dropping the newspaper back down onto their kitchen table.

"What can you do Draco? We live here now. We aren't going back."
Iris spoke sternly, crossing her arms and leaning once again along the wall, "Don't stress."

"Don't stress? Don't fucking stress? Nah I've got to go. You can stay- but I've got to go."
Draco took a sharp breath in and pressed out his cigarette.

"Go where?"

"To kill my fucking father."

Draco got up and walked toward the stairs, Iris' shocked expression saying it all.
"Draco that will just ruin everything your aunt has done for us?"

He flicked his arm to dismiss her, "You stay here, I'll at least confront him, then I'll come back. You'll be safe, that's the important thing."
He said it so simply, as if to her this wasn't something unrealistic that she would rather die than let him do. Going back to the fucking manor?
Going against Lucius?
No fucking chance.

And before she could reply, mouth held open a little with shock, he made his way up the stairs.

But she soon followed after. Oh no he wasn't.

"Do you realise how damn ridiculous you sound?"

Draco laughed, head tilted back as he paced.
"That fucking newspaper-
and he gestured downstairs to where it sat on the table, "that's the last fucking straw."

Draco brought his hands to his head,
"I'm not having this for the rest of my life, don't you see- I can't live like this Iris? The man that killed my mother running free? Taunting me? I've let him push me and mother around our entire lives and I'm fucking sick of it. Sick of it now."
He paused a moment, staring back at her before continuing,
"And I want this Iris. I want to be with you- protect you. I want to stay here, really - I do. But how can I watch him get away with this? If you just stay here whilst I go and deal with him. Somehow, anyway I can that stops me feeling this fucking anger. Then even if I fucking die you'll be safe here and I'll die knowing you're safe and that at least then I tried."

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