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Hogwarts express 8:45am

Sat in the carriage was Iris beside Draco, a grinning Sydney trying to hide her cigarette and somehow Blaise had joined them too. Awkwardly sat beside Syd. The carriage was deathly silent, awaiting their return.
Draco was biting his nails and rubbing his neck, he'd already received a fair few stares from the platform- Iris could tell he was dreading it, and she was a little nervous too.

Iris promised she would write Ana as soon as they arrived, but she had bigger things on her mind at the moment.
It was strange to be back in Slytherin robes after being out of them for so long. She looked out her window as Draco's hand made his way to her thigh, rubbing small circles. No one really knew what to expect going back, how different would it look? How many of their classmates would they notice hadn't showed? Perhaps because they'd been killed.

Draco rolled up his sleeves, something he could do now his Dark Mark was no longer present. Iris tried to smile at him, catch his eye and let him know it was going to be fine, but he looked away quickly.
Not even meeting Blaise's eyes as he attempted to make some sort of pleasant conversation.
As much as it was similar to before, it was also very very different. Iris could tell already that the house divides were going to be a huge issue, especially with talk of the golden trio of course returning. Rita skeeters bloody front page.
They knew the golden trio didn't have all the love in the world for Slytherins, especially those who used to be death eaters. So it was definitely going to be an interesting year.

Finally stepping off the train and ending their journey, Syd made a petty joke and it landed awkwardly. No one was in the mood for jokes, because there was a group of Ravenclaws staring them out like they'd tried to kill fucking Potter themselves.
Iris averted her attention away from the group but Draco let his scowl linger a little longer. Which probably was not to his advantage.

Walking toward Hogwarts, it was strange to see it like it was before. It still felt magical, it certainly had been beautifully rebuilt.
They all tried their hardest to pretend that nothing had changed, that their classmates hadn't died. Of course this was a factor that was difficult to ignore.

Another group of Gryffindors passed them along the steps to the castle, snickering and scowling again like they'd all personally kissed the Dark Lords arse.
Sydney stuck her middle finger up and smiled gracefully at the lot of them, she was determined to not let anybody hinder her eighth year at Hogwarts- especially as the seventh went so downhill.
Even the train ride with her ex hadn't bothered her, not that much did anymore.

The castle looked exactly as they had all remembered it, the blue skies and bright sunshine creating a picture perfect illusion. You would never had known that a war had happened here.
Iris could hear Draco's feet scuffing along the stone steps as they approached. His hands in his pockets, staring at the floor and strictly avoiding looking at the castle. It didn't hold good memories for him anymore.
Iris noticed his uncomfortable nature and offered him a hand, sliding her fingers along his that were tucked away in his pocket.
Draco sent her a stabbing glare in return.

"Don't touch me here Iris."
He hissed and batted her away.

"What- what the fuck do you-

"Don't get yourself associated with me at the start of the fucking school year. Trust me when I say you're gunna want to start fresh."

Iris tilted her head in confusion, she didn't care what people thought. But he did clearly, not wanting to puncture her perfect demeanour.
But she wasn't perfect, far from it in fact. So she frowned and stomped along behind him as he quickened his step to walk ahead of her. Slumped shoulders and she could practically see his scowl from behind him. 
So this was how it was going to be back at Hogwarts, pretending they weren't desperately in love as so to not displease the fellow griffindors they didn't even like.


The great hall. They had finally arrived inside and it felt so surreal compared to the burning rubble they had last laid eyes on. Draco, still avoiding Iris' eyes- sat on the other side of the Slytherin table, next to Blaise and Adrian.
Iris huffed silently and sat next to Syd, turning her attention to Mcgonagall who began to address the students. The Slytherin table ignored the burning gaze of other houses, of which Mcgonagall quickly dismissed. Speaking on 'house unity' and 'working together harder than ever.'
The new first years were introduced to the sorting hat and Iris sighed as she realised how quickly students had been replaced. It was almost like a war had never happened at all.
Looking around at her fellow students, they all were probably thinking the exact same thing.
It was so strange being back when she thought she'd never get the chance again, and especially after being tucked up in Ana's little cottage to now being surrounded by so many others. Others that apparently already hated her for being in Slytherin, even if she wasn't sat next to her boyfriend Draco Malfoy. (If only they knew that)

Iris looked to Draco, Mcgonagall's voice drowning into the background as they cheered for a first year put into Hufflepuff, then another for Ravenclaw. Of course silence for Slytherin.
She bit her lip, because he wasn't catching her eye like he usually would. No usual wink or raise of his eyebrows. Perhaps she'd underestimated how much returning to Hogwarts would effect him.

Or perhaps he was just doing what he always did, trying to protect her.

Draco knew how people would react after what he'd done and he longed to not get Iris wrapped up and involved in it- at least not whilst it was still fresh at the start of the year. There was no question in his mind that Potter and his friends would just let him off easily.

After the introduction's, students were given timetables and then sent to their dorms to unpack, the same set up as last year.
Iris and Syd almost froze as they heard that, until they realised that Pansy was not returning this year and instead staying at the Manor. Thank fuck.
Draco had once again a dorm to himself.

Approaching the dorm, Iris and Syd unlocked their's to find it pretty much exactly as they had left it. They just needed to unpack their bags and it would be back to normal.
Syd smiled and collapsed herself down onto the bed.
"You know, I had a feeling when we left that we'd come back."
Iris pressed down her suitcase and took a seat in the velvet chair by the window.
"I missed this."
She looked out the window and over the turrets of the castle, relaxing herself into the chair. Trying to let her worries about Draco subside.

Syd grinned and threw her a pack of cigarettes which she caught eagerly, "You look like you need a fag."
Iris scoffed a laugh and swiped out her lighter.
Sydney creased up her face and stared down at the timetable.
"Double fucking potions on a Monday morning?!"

Iris laughed and threw her head back, letting the tobacco tickle at the back of her throat as she closed her eyes.
She wanted this. If Draco was to ignore her at school then she'd have to put up with it.
It was never easy with Draco fucking Malfoy.

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