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9:00am Common room

Iris and Draco awoke, still in the same position on the Slytherin common room sofa. The sun was streaming through the stain glass windows and Iris opened her eyes slowly, stirring Malfoy as she did.

Her eyes immediately met with two Slytherins looking back down at them, their arms crossed and wide grins plastered across their faces.
Syd and Blaise.
"Iris.... banks. I knew something was going on." Syd laughed towards Blaise,
"They haven't spoke for weeks and now this!" Her grin widened and she playfully punched Iris' arm as Iris sat herself up and out of Malfoys grip.
Blaise grinned at Malfoy as he rubbed at his eyes.
"I knew there was something going on mate. I'm always right. Look at you two, falling asleep in each others arms" Blaise cooed with laughter.

"Shut it Blaise." Malfoy scowled.
Syd and Blaise placed themselves down on a sofa next to them.
"Anywayyy," Syd proceeded awkwardly eyeing Iris' red face.
"Mcgonagall has decided to cancel lessons for the next few weeks. She says the professors have lots to do, needing to help with all these attacks." Syd nodded eagerly, looking rather pleased that they would miss double potions with Snape this morning.

"They are keeping an extra eye on Slytherin mate. But then again, Snape has always got his eye on you."
Blaise continued with a laugh.
Malfoy rolled his eyes and slumped back into the sofa.

"Anyway if you two wanted to come with us, and it doesn't damage your pride too much Malfoy, we were going to head into Hogsmeade this morning. Get away from the prying eyes of the other houses, assuming we are all working for the fucking Dark Lord." Syd's voice slurred off feeling slightly awkward at the realisation that Malfoy and his family were in fact death eaters.

"I'll come." Iris smiled quickly,
"I need to get out for a bit."
Malfoy groaned.
He snapped, "But only if you buy me a new pack of fags Zabini."
"Deal." Blaise smirked back and then looked over to Syd.

Iris stood up slowly and pulled her best friend to stand up. "Come and help me pick something to wear."
Syd laughed and waved goodbye to the boys, as they headed up to the dorm.
"Meet us at the west wing gardens in an hour. We can walk to Hogsmeade from there."
Syd shouted back at them.

10:10am West wing gardens

Iris and Syd walked arm in arm towards the boys.
They were both wearing big oversized coats and boots to keep themselves warm from the cold breeze.
Iris had tied her hair up into a messy bun, pulling out strands to frame her face. She had taken extra time on her makeup this morning, it was still natural but she wanted Malfoy's glare to linger over her for slightly longer than it usually does.

Malfoy smirked to himself as Iris came closer, he could make out those gorgeous blue eyes watering from the cold, her rosy cheeks and fluttering lashes. Her delicate features made him forget the stresses of his family that lingered in the back of his mind.
He had been ignoring the letters they had sent since getting back from the manor and he had no intention of reading them.
He'd much prefer to keep him and Iris in a bubble of lust.

"Hot chocolates then?"
Syd smiled to the group as she linked arms with Blaise and they began to walk ahead towards Hogsmeade.
Malfoy and Iris lingered behind. Malfoy tugged off his black scarf and wrapped it around her shoulders to try to subside her shivers. She smiled up at him and he ran his finger along her jaw, his ring sharp and cold against her flesh, as they continued walking behind.
"Thank you."
Iris spoke softly before sliding her palm into Draco's hand.
He pulled away at first, unsure of the affection, but within a minute his had hand sunk comfortably into hers and warmed his icy cold heart.

The group sat down in a cosy cabin cafe in the middle of Hogsmeade, and Syd ordered the group hot drinks.
Draco had to admit, it was nice to be involved in conversation that hadn't included you know who.

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