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11:00pm dorm room

"They are fucking insane if they think I'm waking up at 6 tomorrow." Sydney slumped in the green velvet chair by the large window in their dorm, and lit a cigarette between her lips before passing the lighter to Iris, who sat cross legged on her bed. Iris' hair was scraped into a messy bun and an oversized black top hung down over her shoulders. Iris looked back with tired eyes and rolled them jokingly at her best friend before taking a drag of her cigarette.

Iris, Sydney and Pansy shared a dorm, and tomorrow was the first day of their seventh year at Hogwarts. Iris and Sydney had been inseparable since first year, joined at the hip, and they knew everything about each other.

As much as they tried to get along with Pansy, she just had other things that were more important to her, such as ones blood status, or where exactly in the common room Draco Malfoy was. How riveting.

This year though, Iris and Sydney had promised each other to try to get to know some of the other Slytherins, since it was nearing the end of their time at Hogwarts, it was time for them to get out of their antisocial bubble and meet some new people. It has always been just them two, and now Sydney felt it was time for a few more, despite Iris's request to keep it both of them inside their dorm getting high and talking about boys whilst not actually talking to any in real life. (Apart from the ones that just wanted a quick shag, to satisfy her, and them, and then she would never have to speak to them again.)

Abruptly Pansy pushed through the dorm door and slotted down on the sofa before opening a book on potions and beginning to read. Iris and Sydney both turned to look at her in surprise as she sat down, considering she normally does everything possible to avoid the dorm, and normally finds somewhere else to sleep to avoid them both.
"The fuck are you two looking at." She snaps not looking up from the book. Iris and Sydney raise their eyebrows and smile at each other, ignoring the witches rude comment - they were used to it by now.

Sydney turned to look at Iris as she took another drag of her cigarette and raised her eyebrows.
"So parties." She smirked.
"Iris this year we are going to as many as possible. Even if I have to drag you out of your fucking bed, no more getting drunk just us two in this dorm room. We are never turning down another invite. I mean did you hear about the party in the common room end of last year?! Apparently Blaise threw up in Mcgonagall's hat. I mean I would pay money to see that." Sydney said laughing puffing out more smoke.

Iris laughed back. "Syd If that happens at every party I'm definitely fucking going to more."

"I reckon you could pull a fair few boys too Iris. No the same boring quick missionary fuck and the never speak to again boys, no, we need someone interesting. With a bit of character." She nodded towards Iris.

Pansy laughed from the sofa still not peeling her eyes from the book. "What makes you two think people will want you at the Slytherin parties? I think you should stay in your lane. Especially you Iris, please, no one with even a slight bit of character would want to fuck you, and Sydney I've no clue why you would lie to her like that." She scoffs.

"You jealous Parkinson?" Sydney questioned.
"As if."
"Fuck off Parkinson. Can't you just leave us too it like you normally do?" Iris sneared back.
Pansy just scoffed before heading to the bathroom and then getting into her bed, her back facing the girls.
Iris and Sydney talked a little more about the year ahead, as Parkinson lay still, before deciding that really they should go to sleep, since they actually did have to wake up at 6 for breakfast tomorrow, and then class at 8. The first class of seventh year. Potions with Snape. Iris rolled her eyes at the thought of it. She and Syd put their cigarettes out in Iris' gold ash tray and Syd climbed into bed. Iris looked out the large window into the moonlit shadows of hogwarts. It was truly beautiful.
"Night you." Iris yawned. "And please wake up on time tomorrow, not in the mood to drag you out of those black cosy sheets at 6 when I want to stay asleep myself."
Sydney yawned back and grinned, "Night sugar tits."

Iris laughed as she always did whenever Syd called her that, and then continued to lie down and fall asleep, almost as quick as her head hit the pillow.

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