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TW: Uncomfortable sexual themes/persuasion (issues around consent)

2:00am Draco's room

Draco awoke in the early hours. A sudden nightmare. Always a nightmare.
His head was banging and dizzy, breathing faster than normal. A single bead of sweat ran along his forehead.
He could faintly hear somebody awake, downstairs.
It took him a few moments before he decided to slide out of his bed and head downstairs for a glass of water. His mouth was so dry and his tongue practically sticking to the sides of his cheeks. The nightmares were really taking it out of him, couldn't stop thinking of what would happen if something went wrong.

He stepped outside his room, black sweatpants with his torso exposed, toward the kitchen. The stairs were cold against his bare feet, but he was too tired, and too careless.

Then he stopped as the muffled sounds downstairs got louder the closer he got. He furrowed his brow in confusion at who would be awake at this hour. His mother and father were normally always asleep fairly early on.

Peering around the side of the door, squinting into the dimly lit room, he saw his father sat at the table, a lit cigar between his lips. He was reading a newspaper, presumably one that was trying to slate him for paying the ministry to avoid trial.
It was still the front page of almost every magazine- Draco had counted at least eight front pages. Two of them even in the Daily prophet and one on Wizarding Weekly. No one in the Wizarding community could avoid it.
Yes- his fathers deep frown certainly suggested that's what he was reading.
His fathers attention quickly averted as he noticed Draco's presence stood awkwardly in the doorway. He barely looked up before he was facing back down again, without a care.

Draco walked in toward the cupboard and started to fill a glass. The silence in the room was eating them both up slowly until Lucius finally spoke,
"Awake so late?"
"Yes- I-couldn't sleep." Draco mumbled, sipping at his glass. His father still hadn't looked up from his newspaper.

"Feeling better, are you?"
"Yes thanks."
"Take a seat." Lucius nodded, hissing out his cigar on the table, head still facing down, and so Draco hesitated before sitting opposite him.
A few more seconds of silence and his father spoke again.
"So, pleased with Pansy are you boy?"
Draco paused, and his father finally looked up at him with a frown, "Well I-
"I don't know if she's for me father."
"You two seemed to be having a good time that other night?"
"I know but I just-

"Alright." He interrupted with a nasty snap.
"How much bloody work do I have to do for you? I mean Parkinson was the perfect candidate. I suppose I could get in touch with the Greengrass'? Another of the sacred twenty eight pure-bloods."
He paused in thought then continued,
"Daughters Daphne and Astoria isn't it? I'm sure one of them will be good enough for you Draco."

"I'm sure father."
Draco mumbled before beginning to stand himself up to avoid his fathers constant nagging about the pureblood selection that were waiting to get their hands on him.

"Wait." Lucius then stood, "Since we are both awake, and I know I've mentioned it before, but why don't we go somewhere." He dragged his wand through his fingers, "I know a place that can shape you into a real man- so you'll be ready for whoever we choose for you."

He hissed each word with a smirk, "The choice is divine this time of night."

Draco furrowed his brow in confusion, he was starting to sweat again, especially as he was beginning to work his head around what his father was trying to insinuate. 
"Father I really am tired-
"Nonsense boy. Go and get ready upstairs. It will be good for you."
"But I-
"We have to go at a time like this to avoid your mother, don't you see? Stop complaining. Any boy would be lucky to be in such position as you."

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