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Next day, 10:00pm Slytherin common room

Malfoy, Iris, Zabini and Syd were all sat in the common room at the table. The girls sipping at goblets of wine, the boys fire whiskey.
The common room was fairly quiet apart from the muttered voices of Crabbe and Goyle who were sat on one of the sofas behind them, a crackle of the fire and the faint buzz of music.
Iris' blonde hair fell around her shoulders, a rosy glow glazed across her cheeks from the fizz of the rosé wine.
Her makeup was natural and enhanced her delicate features. She wore a black bandeau top and Malfoy's eyes danced over her naked shoulders. A deep green cardigan slipped down to her mid arms, teasing Malfoy.

Cleavage so deliciously tempting, he eyed at it, stroking his tongue over his teeth before taking a sip of his whiskey. A second look into her deep blue eyes and he could forget the others were there.

The conversation soon switched from Pansy's little laughable scheme yesterday to the Golden Griffindor trio, who had been rumoured to be Horcrux hunting away from the Castle.
"You know Potter is fucking screwed. They can do as much Horcrux hunting as they fucking like, it's all fucked." Blaise stated to the group.

"You really think they'll lose against you know who?" Syd questioned taking a small sip of her wine.
Malfoy's mouth opened with a scowl,
"Elledge. It's fucking potter. Who gives two shits." Iris giggled at Syd as Malfoy scowled his name.
They should know better than to mention Harry Potter's name around Malfoy.
"What do you think will happen Blaise, when the war starts?"
Blaise shrugged at Syd, "I'll go back to my mother and her fucking 7th husband, and help her I guess. I don't think I'd want to stay at Hogwarts assuming they fight here."
Syd nodded, "I'd stay here I guess. Wouldn't mind helping out the school I love. As long as I have nothing to do with those pissing perfect Gryffindors."
Malfoy stayed deathly quiet as he fiddled with a silver ring on his thumb.
Iris just couldn't help thinking about what would happen to Malfoy in this war, most likely he would have no choice but to fight.
As for her, she didn't want to go home. She couldn't bear to be at home with her toxic family for longer than a couple of days.
As the conversation flicked onto a topic that was lighter, Iris relaxed into her chair.

Iris' eyes longed outside into the soft settling of snow around the castle. She loved snow, it was so peaceful.
The atmosphere was bliss, despite the chaos that seemed to be brewing at Hogwarts.
"Sooo, the Christmas Ball is our chance to all get proper sloshed then!" Syd laughed as she remembered Mcgonagall's announcement earlier.

The teachers had decided to go ahead with the
Christmas Ball despite many students being sent home, and it seemed strange it going ahead with such a strong atmosphere of tension, yet they supposed it would help with uplifting students and staff who began to grow depressed with the inevitable looming over their heads. Especially after the recent crash of the ministry of magic.
The girls truly had been looking forward to the ball since it had been announced only yesterday evening, and Blaise had already asked Syd to accompany him, so now Iris was just waiting on hopefully Malfoy.

He stayed quiet as he listened intently to the Christmas Ball conversation, resisting to flicker his eyes over Iris' gorgeous features and tempting naked neck, shoulders and cleavage.
How was he supposed to concentrate when she looked like that, sat opposite him, just mere feet away.
As the night continued the conversation grew louder, and the four grew much less sober.
It had reached half past one when Syd and Blaise decided to call it a night.
Syd placed a kiss onto Iris' head as her and Blaise sleepily wondered up to his dorm.

Malfoy cocked his head backwards with a slight adjustment and lent back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips as he fixated his eyes over her cleavage.
"Hey!" Iris snapped with a giggle, clicking her fingers and indicating him to look at her face rather than her chest.

"I can't help but look when I see a good view." He smirked with a laugh before placing his manly hands over hers on the table.
He looked at her with the eyes he always had done, and in that moment, she knew she wanted to be with him despite everything. Despite his nasty father trying to break them up, she knew what they had was so powerful.

"Fancy a walk in the snow?" He questioned, eyes narrowed as he awaited a response.

"That would be nice. Snow in the dark. Sounds peaceful."
She stood up and he wrapped one of his coats from hangers in the common room around her shoulders. He zipped it up for her slowly, as she watched his every move. He grabbed a scarf and wrapped it tightly around her shoulders and the back of her neck.
She smiled softly as he picked up her boots by the fire and slid them onto her feet, tieing the laces with ease.
Then he proceeded to slide on his own black coat, as her hand weaved into his gently.
They walked down the corridor in peaceful silence, just simply enjoying each other's presence.
When they reached outside of the castle, it was truly beautiful. A white blanket of snow lay across the ground, interrupted by soft footprints they left behind them.
Iris looked up to the bright stars as the snow continued to fall, slowly and calmly.
Malfoy smiled slightly to himself, ensuring she didn't notice, as they walked hand in hand to a beautiful terrace balcony in the west wing gardens.

She shivered slightly but it was difficult to feel cold being so close towards his beating heart, that longed for only her.
Soft snowflakes landed on her long eyelashes and the tip of her nose, Malfoy couldn't help but admire her rosy red checks and nose from the cold.
The snowflakes falling around them calmed his head and he relaxed into her hands further.

"Iris," she looked up at him with innocent eyes and a nod, "Would you like to accompany me to the Christmas ball next weekend?"
She smiled greatly and stood on her tiptoes to place a kiss on his burning lips. She tasted of her gorgeous cherry lip balm, as she always did.

"Of course I would."

"I mean this is a one time offer and really your truly very lucky. You know your not the only witch wishing I would ask them."
She giggled as he pulled her into his chest with a chuckle.
"Oh I know."
A grin played on his face as he looked down at her snuggled into his chest.

The snowfall quickened around them, still peaceful, the most perfect winters night. The dark sky would normally always look daunting, but to him, with his one in his arms, the stars were the promise of life in the darkness. A sense of warm springing from the cold.

She looked up at him with a small smile, before dragging him backwards with a laugh. He spun her around in his arms, and then out of them, and they laughed wildly, tumbling and darting out the way of gentle snowflakes. 
She span around looking up at the sky, her arms flailing around with excitement and the feeling of being free, her dizzy body found its way back into Malfoy's arms as he laughed and admired her so happily.
He took her gently and lowered her body towards the ground before lifting her back up and spinning her around again with a laugh.

Together, they could forget everything.
They were fireworks in the velvet dark, the blaze that dared to light up the night.

Minds blurred with possibility, he pulled her close into his chest. His words seemed to follow naturally,

"Has anyone ever told you how fucking beautiful you are Iris Banks?"

"No, No I don't think they have."

"Well it's true. You are so beautiful."

She smiled, her eyes glossy with the cold or perhaps her emotions of three words she so desperately wanted to say.
He tugged her hand back to his dorm, and she couldn't help but close her eyes and imagine those three little words.

His icy heart had been melted by her fire, and he hadn't resented it either. For once.
In a room filled with millions of people, he would always pick her.
The three words he also so desperately wished to say hung at the back of his throat, knowing that, saying it out loud might make it real.

He wasn't ready for the possibility of facing reality just yet, especially not when his fate was in fact a waiting game.

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