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1:00am east wing

"Yes sir."
She twiddled her fingers and looked up at him with cooing eyes, Lucius grabbed her hair tightly and brought his lips down to her ears. Draco watched, feeling sick to his stomach. Clearly something else was going on between them.
"Bring me the Banks girl. You know- the one that we've spoken about."
"Oh of course sir." She fluttered her eyelashes and set a wink toward Draco before scurrying off.

"Marry a girl like her Draco. That way you can never go wrong."
His father bowed his head and smirked as he watched Pansy run away. That fucking bitch. Narcissa walked up behind Draco and rubbed at his lower back. "Stay close Draco."
The order members were closing in and he pulled out his wand in preparation.

A curse battled its way toward the side of his head and he dangerously dodged it before flashing one back.
Bellatrix eagerly dropped the screaming muggleborn from her tight grip and laughed flipping her head around in multiple directions before whispering,
"Let me take care of this one Draco..."
She held out her wand with a smirk and edged closer, a few order members running beside Neville to aid him. Bellatrix laughed and whipped up a whirl of green magic.

Narcissa grabbed ahold of Draco's hand and pulled him out of the view of the fighting, looking back at her sister who was spinning her wand in frantic circles. The Dark Lord could be seen metres behind her, stood, frowning with a smile, ultimately waiting for Potter to be a man and fight him.

The sky was smoky, red with flames. Narcissa watched as Lucius looked past her head, into the foggy distance, at a proud Parkinson who was walking towards them, her wand held up at Iris' neck. In Pansys other hand she was gripping onto Iris' snapped wand with a smirk. Iris looked broken and scared, her hands shaking at her sides.
Draco's eyes wondered over her legs, they looked their usual perfect combination of tanned and soft, he couldn't help but wonder his gaze up to the base of her skirt. He rested them there for a few seconds.
Then he looked into her sad eyes, but this time she wasn't looking back at him. She was looking at Lucius who was grinning greatly at Pansys achievement. Iris always used to look back at him. Then he remembered of course, that she couldn't remember. Seeing her again just brought it all back, he tried to stand strong and avoid her beautiful curves that were ever edging closer. It was so fucking difficult to stop himself from looking at her plump quivering lips as they came closer into his view. God how he wanted to slip a finger inside them.
He wanted to wrap her up and hold her, she looked so fucking scared. And now so was he.

Pansy nodded looking extremely pleased before bobbing her head with a quick thanks from his father. Then she reached out and threw Iris' broken wand into the distance before rushing off to leave Lucius to his business.
Purposefully looking back with a flirty glance.

"I feel we should do this somewhere more personal."
Lucius slipped a gold ring off his finger, the port key, and ordered them all to take ahold of it.

Within a few seconds, they arrived back in a dark room of Malfoy manor. Draco watched as his father walked over to the side quickly followed by his mother who poured him a whiskey willingly before bowing her head and leaving the room.
The sound of the sharp click of the door behind her made Iris jump.

Iris was stood, legs twisted, fingers fiddling, opposite Draco and Lucius.
Lucius took a sip before wondering over to Iris with a smirk. His heavy hand ran across the delicate line of her jaw, her tearful eyes never leaving his. She had a million questions, none of which could be answered yet.
"Not a bad choice Draco. Such a pity she's a halfblood." He spat the words, fingers trailing off her face. She looked up at him with innocent eyes, gulping at his touch.
Draco looked down at the floorboards, twisting his fingers around his wand. He couldn't bring himself to look at how his father was touching her.
"I barely know her."
Lucius flipped around to face Draco,
"That's not what Parkinson said."
"What are you talking about?" Iris spoke. Quietly confused.
"DID SOMEBODY GIVE YOU PERMISSON TO TALK." Lucius' deep voice echoed out past the high ceilings and walls, eyes raised with anger.

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