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11:00am Alnerwick

Draco glanced around the room, littered in bottles and that musty smell of alcohol and cigarettes that now made him feel sick.
Iris was out again, but she'd been out a lot recently. After the argument she'd let Draco do his own thing, even on the morning of his mother's funeral.

The truth was, he needed her- as much as he still didn't want to admit it.
But last time she had tried to help he'd got all fucking angry again, so what should he expect?

But he didn't want to apologise.
Hated apologising.
It wasn't him and it wasn't, important. His mother was just about all his thoughts could focus on now.
That and the half finished bottle of fire whiskey he was still gripped onto tightly.

So the day of the funeral. Draco twisted his blonde strands of hair between his fingers, he didn't even want to fucking go.
He watched Iris walk in through the door and close it behind her. Carefully slipping off her black coat and perhaps avoiding his eye contact. She made her way upstairs. Maybe to get ready? He didn't know.

But he knew it was only an hour or so until they had to leave, so he should probably be getting ready himself.
Upon entering the bedroom, Iris herself doing her hair in the bathroom, he noticed his black suit laid out on their freshly made bed.
He almost smiled, almost.
Undressing himself and attaching his silver cuff links as he began to pull up the trousers and adjust the belt. His expression was still stone fucking cold.

He didn't want to go- of course he didn't. Who would pick to go to their mothers damn funeral?
He fucking hated everyone as well- wasn't in the mood to smile or shake hands or even be fucking polite.
He just wanted to die. Was that so bad?

He took a final look at himself in the mirror. Spraying on his usual cologne and teasing his hair with a comb, messily teasing it back so that a few blonde strands fell forward.
His eyes were engulfed in dark circles that just hung dramatically. Skin pale and a slight cut through the side of his lip that he'd got yesterday from being careless in the way he'd broke the downstairs mirror after the argument.
Breaking mirror's seemed to be a good past time of his, maybe the only thing he could now do successfully.
It was almost like he hated his reflection.

A sudden jump as Iris opened the bathroom door and walked out. Still attaching a gold earring in one side.
"You look good." She muttered, but Draco could tell her heart wasn't really in it. She was still stepping on fucking egg shells, as she should've been.

"And you." He replied with a raise of his eyebrows, and although his bored tone suggested otherwise, he really did mean it.
Her black dress was hugging in her waist and she wore a black blazer that just hung over her back and shoulders. Hair loose and long earrings, a gold shimmer across her eyes to match.
Of course still wearing the necklace he had once got her.
Mesmerising as always, but not enough to hold his vision for more than 10 seconds. Today was about his mother, and she knew that.

Taking him by surprise she stumbled awkwardly toward him and began to straighten his black tie, her breath close to his neck once again that made his heart beat a little faster.
"How are you feeling?" She questioned, fingers tightening it around his collar and looking up inquisitively.
"Fine?" Iris finished with a smile. And as always she was right, he was going to say that. Even though they both knew he wasn't.

"Maybe fine can be our code word for going to break down at any given second?"
And her lips quirked into a slight smile as she spoke.
Draco returning it, "Well if that's the case, I'm fine then yeah?"
But his slight smile disappeared almost as soon as it arrived and he turned on his heel to cause her to drop her arms from his neck and back to her sides suddenly, before she watched him leave the room and head downstairs.

And only a second passed before she followed him, because she always did.
Iris ran into him, bodies colliding with warmth in a desperate hug she knew he needed.
Fuck being distant, he needed her right now.
He melted into the hug, breathing out with relief at the feel of her body tucked into his chest.
"Today's going to be ok."
She whispered.
He didn't reply, but instead tugged her closer, leaning down to rest his head on her chin. They had to leave soon, and he was dreading it.

He grabbed a pack of cigarettes and slid it into his suit pocket. Fuck knows he was probably going to need it.
He'd been to a few wizard funerals but not many, and he hardly imagined the next one he'd go to would be his mother's. Iris was also nervous, pacing around, waiting for Ana to escort them he supposed.
He'd had nothing to do with the entire funeral, nor did he feel like he needed or wanted too, funerals were shit and useless and it wasn't going to bring her back.
He didn't want any of that hufflepuff shit. She was dead, and that was it. Most people going to this funeral hardly fucking knew her- she deserved more.
Draco daren't look at the daily prophet for what story his father had made up about this one, salazar knew it was something ridiculous. Always is. But people would believe him, because it's Lucius Malfoy and he's got money, power. He's a fucking bully.
A murderer, actually.

From the window he could see Ana arm in arm with Ted. Sydney not far behind, talking to Blaise which was peculiar. Draco himself had hardly had the chance to even think about re aquatinting with Blaise. After all, Draco wouldn't have been able to say goodbye to his mother without him.
Iris opened the door, pulling them all into hugs- not saying a word. Muttered 'sorrys' to Draco made him feel worse as they closed the door behind them. Now outside and exposed to the cold spring chill.
Draco pulled Blaise in tightly and whispered, "Thanks mate," In his ear, and Blaise just nodded, knowing Draco would probably appreciate that more than any sort of apology. And he did.

The group made their way to the village's small church. Draco stayed at the back the entire service, Iris' hand tightly gripped in his throughout the entire ceremony until it had finished.


Now it was just them. Iris and Draco. Stood staring at a black gravestone that he was reading through.
Again and again.

Here lies

Narcissa Black

Born 19th July 1955

Remembered forever

And Draco smiled, because she wasn't a Malfoy. She didn't belong to his father anymore.
Iris gripped her fingers a little tighter around his and with her spare hand charmed a bundle of red roses to litter below it. The silence around them was deafening, but Draco didn't cry. He couldn't cry because he was simply just angry.
Eyes rested on the ruby roses, he felt his eyes well up a little, but not enough to drop a tear down his cheek. Draco closed his heavy eyelids, and turned around to walk back, dropping Iris' hand.

It had happened now.
It was over.
She was still gone, and it would never be the same.

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