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10:00am Alnerwick

Iris made the pair breakfast in her usual cheerful manner, Draco attempting to smile through the thoughts that were beginning to get difficult to ignore.

She slid a final two pieces of crispy bacon onto his plate and smiled. She was fresh faced, a dark green summer dress to mirror the weather that was beginning to get hotter with each passing day.

She looked beautiful, but he could tell she was scared as well. Practically waiting for him to just pack up and go back to the manor.
Iris looked at him from across the table, a bare torso and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth despite the warm breakfast that sat in front of him. His silvery blonde hair was pushed over to one side, messy and loose. His eyes were engraved with dark circles that proved just how little sleep he had been getting.

But he wanted to do something today, for her.
So he told her to get ready, that they should go into the village together. He wanted to soak up every little ounce of time left until the possibility came that they might not have much longer.


They left the cottage. Iris' hand slipped inside his, and for once it wasn't uninvited, he was trying to grab at hers too. A quick wave and catch up with Ana and Syd, who were planting flowers out the front, and they were on their way. Draco assuming that with his aunts cheery mood that she had clearly so far avoided the newspaper.
Draco felt slightly nervous around the people here, mainly because still - many didn't trust him. He certainly by now was used to the way people would stare, perhaps tilt their head to the side and question if he was a Malfoy. He wondered if any of them had now read the article themselves.

He was going to take her to a cafe she had once mentioned to him and clearly seemed very impressed with the fresh lemonade, to be honest Draco fancied tasting some for himself. With the sun shining, it was definitely a good day for it. Approaching the tables outside, he pulled out a chair for her to sit, under the sun with just a single sunflower sat in the middle of the table.
Her grin was wide as she watched him walk up to get them drinks, and she wished that everyday could be like this.
Twiddling her hair beneath her fingertips, she started to notice on the tables surrounding them that people were starting to stare. Not particularly at her, but really the eyes were burning into her unsuspecting boyfriends back.
She narrowed her eyes a little, and tried to listen in. Eavesdropping was always one of her talents from school, especially being mates with the mischievous Sydney Elledge.

Iris wasn't really capable of hearing their full sentences- but whispers such as;
'Narcissa Malfoy?'
were very very clear.

Iris scowled nastily crossing her arms, perhaps a little too obvious as Draco returned with two drinks and a deep frown, "What the fucks up with you?"

"Nothing." She shrugged, casting a quick spell under the table that silenced the voices a little of the others around them. Perhaps in a hope of perfecting his rather good mood.
If they would just stop fucking staring.
Draco laughed, leaning back into the sun and taking a sip, "They can stare all they like. I'm a rather good fucking view I'm sure they'd agree."
His smirk seemed to cause the surrounding tables to go back to their own business, that and he definitely made the comment a little too loud, on purpose?
Iris snorted with a laugh, well he certainly wasn't wrong.

They cuddled, kissed and laughed the entire day.
Draco almost forget about what he needed to do, almost.

Looking into her eyes, it made him so fucking angry. So angry that this responsibility to look after her made his life so much harder. Heart torn between what he needed to do, and what he so badly wanted to do. Which was stay with her, and just her.
Everyone else could fuck off- because she was the only person who mattered.
He was angry because he didn't know it humanly possible to love anybody the way he loved her. It made him fucking sick because he didn't know how to handle it. Probably why he always lashed out.

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