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10:00pm west wing

They had been stood staring into each other's eyes for hardly seconds, but it had felt like hours.
Iris' tight cheekbones quirked into a small smile, her eyes filling up with tears, and he let out a sigh of relief.
The castle continued to burn around them harshly and so without a second thought he launched forward with a leap, grabbed her soft fingers and pulled her into a darker safer corner of the castle to finally talk. Screams and spells and the faint roar of fire still echoed loudly through their heads.
He rested his hands firmly on her shoulders and pushed his face into a frown. Their breathing shared a fast and synchronised rhythm.
She looked utterly gorgeous, despite her blood stained appearance, as she always did.
And god he did look handsome, towering above her, being angry seemed to suit him- and good job it did because he seemed to have this look etched on his face more frequent than not now.

"Never fucking do that to me again."
He shook her hard, looking into her eyes with desperation.
"I've been looking for you for hours, I thought you'd-"

They pulled each other into a tight hug, god her worried innocent eyes looked like they needed it, and he took in a quick sniff of her sweet smelling shampoo as she dove her head into the crevice in his shoulder.
His dark mark on his arm was burning but he tried desperately to ignore it.
"We don't have long." He snapped looking curiously over his shoulder.
"I know." Iris replied sadly, "I'm just glad your ok. With any luck this will all be over soon."
Malfoy pushed her hands from around his waist and sneered, being nasty had always come more naturally to him for dealing with tricky situations. Was she dumb. Was she fucking dumb.
"Iris? Don't you see? This is never fucking over. This is my life now- I'm a deatheater."

Her lip quivered, "But you said-"
"I know what I fucking said. But it's more important now to keep you safe. My father found out that I came back to see you."
Iris' hands rose to her face, and she flinched as the heat of the fire climbed closer.
"Wh- what does that mean?" She spoke, hardly a whisper.
"It means this is it. He was certain that he was going to find you, and I have no doubt he still will, probably looking for you now."
Iris shakily breathed out, as she gazed into his grey eyes, but they were narrowed and angry, and aching for more.
As much as he wanted to reach out and touch her, run his fingers along her plump lips, feel her soft flesh under the tips of his fingers, the coldness seemed to make it easier to deal with. To manage. His father as always had to make it so much more fucking harder for him. With everything in life, it was so unfair. Him and Iris deserved so much more, but it gave him comfort in knowing that as long as she had his necklace around her neck, she could never truly forget him.

He breathed in and bit his lip before looking up to the ceiling that began crashing around them, with panic he pulled her wrist and they ran down another dimly lit corridor, even further away now from the main battlefield.
They still couldn't get away from it though, could still hear the screams, taste the fire on their tongues.
Fingers stayed intertwined. Eyes panicked.

"Look Iris. He told me he's going to use legilimency against you. He wants to work out if I'm lying, if you really mean nothing to me. He's clearly more worried about the possibility of his son being involved with a half blood than this fucking war."
Draco was sweating now, his hands shaking lightly in hers.

He couldn't afford to put her in danger anymore, he had to stick to his plan- however hard this may be.

"Look I know you wanted me to run before but now I actually will, if it means it will save your life."
She paused for a moment, her eyes welling up again,
"Why does he have to be so cruel."
Draco's hand ran along her jaw tenderly and wiped a tear as it fell.
" It's too late for that now. He will find you. Won't stop until he does. I know he doesn't believe me. I've fucked it."
Draco dropped his hands and swang around his palm into a tight fist as it hit against the hard stone wall in one sudden movement.
He was shouting now with anger as he twisted his body back around to face her, blood now trickling down his knuckles.
He twisted his body round again and pulled his arm back for another hit to let off his anger, before Iris caught his wrist in hers and pulled it back in between her palms.

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