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9:00am Draco's room

They both took at least 40 minutes to calm down over the recent heated exchange, before he waltzed back up the stairs. Slumping over his shoulders with a heavy hunch. He felt terrible for the things he had said, his cheeks still burning red even after he'd taken some time to cool himself down.

His eyes eventually wondered over to Iris, who was slouched on the end of his bed. Sad eyes, so she had definitely been crying. Because of him.

Why had he even decided to tell her about the stupid fucking Pansy thing. It was something mentioned years ago, when her obsession with him started. And of course he would never go through with being with Pansy, but when she told him about Blaise trying it on with his girl, his anger had got the better of him.

They both said things they shouldn't have but he really did fuck up. And he knew it as he watched her big sad eyes meet his.
"Your right." She sniffed, "I should go now." She had packed a small bag beside her. Her shoes were on. Iris thought it would be better if she just left, quickly and easily. No hustle, and then he could be with fucking Pansy. As he said himself it would be easier for him, and for his family.

This whole situation for them was just getting more and more fucking stressful.

"Just take me back to Hogwarts."
"No." He insisted, "Not like this." He walked closer to her before joining her to sit on the side of the bed. "Take your shoes off." He demanded.
"No, just like you said- your parents could be back anytime. I should go."
"Your only going because I told you about Parkinson."
"No shit." She stood up and slid her bag on her back.
"It was something mentioned years ago, of which I would never go along with. I was just angry about Blaise. And I have all the right to be." He scowled.
"Oh your not still going on about that?"
He slid his hands through his hair letting his anger cool, and sighed into his hands. "I'm sorry."
"And don't take that for granted because I don't say that often."
A small smile crept up her face as she looked back at him. It was almost impossible to stay angry at him, especially when she knew they didn't have long left together.

A loud clatter downstairs averted both their attention suddenly. Then they heard the mumble of people downstairs.
His mother.
His parents were back already.

Both their faces flushed with panic, and without a second thought Draco grabbed her hand and apparated them out of his room and back to Hogwarts.

9:15am Hogwarts

They arrived back with a blue bounce of magic. Iris collapsed onto the floor, feeling nauseous and dizzy.
"I'm not used to that." She muttered, rubbing at her head and then checking out her surroundings. They were at the stairs before the great hall, except it was different, Iris had almost forgotten how destroyed the school was before she was taken by the Malfoy's. It wasn't burning at least anymore, but the piles of rubble were immense. It had lost its sense of hope, and the faint sound of students could be heard echoing through the corridors. No sight or sound of any death eaters yet though.

Draco turned on his heel and threw his hands up to his face, also inspecting the school around him.
"FUCK SAKE! I knew we should've fucking left earlier. They are going to be looking for me." Draco was clenching his fists together tightly.
Iris stood up slowly, her dizzy head causing her grief.

"Just help me find Syd and then go back to them."Her voice was panicked and she was looking over her shoulder. Their fingers found each other's and they simultaneously broke into a run, through the corridor and out into the main battlefield at the front of the school. There they set eyes on the first few death eaters that were still shooting spells at students that looked truly knackered.
Voldemort no where to be seen.
If Draco remembered correctly he wanted to try and draw Potter out to the forbidden forest.
Most of the bodies he'd seen before had been cleared but it was still littered in blood and layers of broken glass, stone and brick. Iris couldn't help but gasp as they continued to run through it, her head flicking around in a million different directions.

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