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8:40pm Malfoy Manor

She was topless now, awkwardly trying to cover her curves sat on the side of the bath.
Trying not to make it obvious he was beaming inside at her beautiful chest greatly, he then continued to slide down her skirt until she was left just in her small set of green underwear. Iris' cheeks blushed immensely, after all Draco was really a stranger, and although she knew that he was just helping her bathe, she couldn't help but watch his eyes glance over the edges of her body in a possessive manner.
And her curves, her naked flesh, was just like he remembered. He wanted to reach out and squeeze and feel her, grip his hands around her neck, give her that red mark like he used too. So that anyone would know that she was his. The sad fact was that she wasn't anymore. Or at least didn't know she was.

"I think I'll just bathe like this." She muttered, looking down at her small underwear that was covering her, and still awkwardly trying to cover her breasts.
"Fine." Draco agreed, "But will you just relax and let me help you?" Iris nodded and slowly released her arms from her chest.
"Why do you want to help me all of a sudden. I thought you and your father wanted to punish me?"
Draco shook his head, "Perhaps I've got another plan now."
Iris didn't question him any more, she could tell she was lucky to even get away with one question. Also didn't want to set off his bad temper again.
He looped his fingers under her thighs and lifted her into the hot water. It was a lot to handle for her flesh at once, but she soon snuggled into the lather of warmth, and it felt amazing on her sore legs, wrist and achy back.

She lay still in the bath, closing her eyes, pondering on Draco's next move. She certainly wasn't as scared of him anymore now they had been alone together for a while. Surely if he was going to hurt her he would've done it by now?
Draco moved behind her and sat himself on the side of the bath, then he started working his wet fingers through her blood stained hair, splashing the water up onto it. He grabbed a metal bottle and poured a little into his fingers before rubbing the mint shampoo onto the roots of her head.
Slowly but surely, she relaxed under his touch. The scent was mesmerising on her, normally it would be his signature scent, but he certainly didn't mind her smelling like him. In fact, he loved it. He smirked to himself, still rubbing his fingers around her scalp.
His father wouldn't like it though.
He knocked the thought out of his head. Now he just wanted to work on helping Iris. If for once he could stop thinking about him.

Once her hair was clean, he worked his hands down her body. Firstly her collarbones and neck to help her wash off the residue of dirt. Now she was breathing quickly, her eyes open, watching him scan over her body as he pushed the warm water up over her naked skin. Then his hands moved over her shoulders and down her arms, and he washed at her sore wrist gently as she continued to watch him.

Next he brought his hands over her chest, her breathing quickened as she felt his hands over her breasts. They were half submerged under the water, and he was cupping them, smoothing them under his palms. It didn't take long for her nipples to harden under his hands. As they did he looked away from her chest and back up to her eyes. Did she remember?

"Draco, what are you doing?" She whispered, confused.
The moment was destroyed in seconds, his hands still around her breasts. No, she clearly did not remember.
He pulled his hands off her, "Sorry." He returned weakly, wanting her badly.
Somehow the In-between of her legs were burning now, how did someone she didn't particularly like, someone who was keeping her hostage at his home, hold so much power over her?
She hardly knew him, yet she craved it. Felt as if she craved him.
It was like her body knew before her head did. Something about him was different. It's like she knew things she couldn't quite put her finger on.
He sat on the edge of the bath, looking back at her. Their eyes stayed connected for a few seconds before she opened her wet lips to speak. "You're not how I thought you would be."
He tilted his head, "In a bad way?"
"No, good."
"It's usually bad."
"No." She insisted, "I think it's your father that's worse. You just seem like you have no choice. Especially now."
He scoffed, how was she always so bloody right, even when she hardly knew him anymore, "You know nothing about me." He concluded.
"I think you sat here with me proves my point entirely."
He shut up then, wishing she could just bloody remember so that he could get in that damn bath with her and smother his body heat over hers.

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