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9:00am safehouse

Draco and Iris awoke in a bundle of blankets and pillows, their tight naked bodies clutching onto one another for warmth.
He moved above her, grinning with flexed shoulders, before picking up her sleepy body and twisting her around so that he could satisfy his hard morning boner. She giggled with anticipation as they engaged in lazy morning sex- the sun streaming in through the frosty window.
His groans and her light moans of pleasure a perfect start to the day.

A quick shower washing one another's hair, a fresh set of clothes. Iris' hair tied into a high slick pony- bouncy and now freshly washed. Wearing her classic house colour, dark green, a tight jumper fitted to her slim figure. Her emerald necklace hanging along her chest as it had done ever since Draco had brought it for her. Draco was just in his classic black smart attire, a turtleneck today.
Although what would he wear, if not black?

Suppose Iris had made the slight effort as she wondered if today would be the day she would meet Narcissa. And Draco hoped she would be coming as well, he'd been worrying about her stuck at the manor- and wondered if her lies with Blaise had really stuck. That his father had really believed them.

As much as he was enjoying his time at the safehouse with Iris, he couldn't wait to get really settled so that they could just be alone.
He couldn't really relax here, not yet.
Not until they were away from it all- a place where no death eater on earth knew about. A small village, community, for them to live. Be happy and just hopefully forget about the post war journalists and newsreaders constantly attacking his family.
Sometimes he wished he could change his bloody surname.
Hopefully once him and mother had explained the story, accompanied by his aunt Andromeda, then those staying at the community would except them truly for their troubled past.
That's what he wished for, mainly for Iris' sake.
He was sure she didn't want to be labelled as a deatheater sympathiser for the rest of her fucking life.

Draco was sat on an opposite sofa, looking down at Iris and Syd who were bundled up in blankets on the floor, giggling to each other reading aloud sections of a book.
Was it strange that he just liked to watch her?
The rest of his life he could spend sitting watching over her and he'd be grateful.
He couldn't help but keep staring at the clock, it's not like he had a time but it had been a couple of days now and surely his mother would be arriving soon. His bag was packed in the opposite room- now it was just a waiting game.

Iris pulled herself off the floor and into Draco's arms. Sure he was good with the sex stuff but he still hadn't quite got the hang of the cuddles and kisses- especially in front of a grinning Sydney Elledge.
Draco wasn't used to this- still.
He was used to sex, making girls cum, girls fanning over him, and he was used to merely briefly putting his arm around a girl in public if he was drinking, perhaps if it was going to lead to a blowjob afterward.
So this, didn't make him uncomfortable of course, it was his Iris. But he still hadn't got used to the feeling, her arms around his neck and her whispers in his ear. When she was doing things like this it was normally because he had ordered her to get on her knees or something for him, so when she did it of her own accord, it definitely took him by surprise.
A good sort of surprise.

She nibbled at his ear playfully, on his lap, and giggled at his returning smirk- raising eyes at Elledge.
"You wanna know a secret Malfoy?" Iris laughed and looked at Syd who stood up and hit the back of her head with a pillow laughing.
"No way!"
"Sydddd don't be boring. Let me tell him!" Iris giggled, slipping off Draco's lap to sit beside him.
Syd plonked her bottom back on the floor and held her hands up in defeat.
"Fine!" Syd squealed, and Draco raised his eyes at the pair suspiciously.

Iris turned to Draco, a smirk, and then proceeded to explain, "Sydney's got a little thing for Longbottom."

"Oh my gosh Iris you can't say it like that I do not have a thingggg-
Draco interrupted with laughter,
"Fucking hell Elledge."
Syd covered her face with both hands and tried to hide her laughter and embarrassment as Iris raised her eyebrows at her best friend across from the sofa.
"Iris made that sound worse than it is. It's not like that."
"Go on," Draco proceeded, "Do tell. Never imagined you to be one to go for a fucking Gryffindor."
Sydney rolled her eyes,
"He saved my life Draco! Took a curse for me in the battle of Hogwarts!"
Draco laughed, "That doesn't mean you have to fuck him Elledge."
Syd giggled and pointed in a jokey anger at Iris before aiming back to Draco, "No one said anything about fucking Malfoy."

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