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10:30am the great hall

It was the next day, and Draco hadn't seen Iris since yesterday when he had walked her back to her dorm and left her in the sorrowful eyes of Elledge.
He thought about her all the time in between though. He had thought about her words, her kisses, her tears. And just, her.

He couldn't understand why he was feeling like this, empathy was a feeling that certainly didn't come naturally to him and he couldn't recall ever feeling like this before. Especially for someone like her.
He sat at the stone table in the great hall, mixing his cereal with a silver spoon, having lost his appetite with even the thought of what he had revealed to her about himself yesterday.

Blaise was sat opposite to him, drowning on about Elledge and how big her fucking arse was. Malfoy hadn't told him about where he and Iris had rushed off too yesterday, he hadn't asked too many questions about it, although he certainly seemed to notice Malfoy's slight weakness for the girl.
He assumed it had just been a sexual attraction.

Presumably Elledge hadn't told Zabini about it either. But to be honest it had really seemed like the least of his worries as Malfoy watched him stuff his toast further into his mouth.
When Draco dropped Iris off at her dorm yesterday he had scowled to Elledge to look after her. And she had rolled her eyes at him letting him know that he probably hadn't helped her situation, that she was delicate and really only she knew how to look after Iris. So in Elledge's eyes he was a fuck up too.

Draco's mind lingered on his quick exchange with Elledge and his face reddened with anger as he thought about how he knew he could look after Iris. Although of course he wouldn't want Elledge to know that. Or Zabini. Or anybody at Hogwarts for that matter.
For the moment though, he was glad she had Elledge with her.

Draco continued to ignore Zabini's whining on as his eyes danced around the great hall. Before they locked onto somebody.
A certain Slytherin, Theodore Nott.

His eyes narrowed and he clenched his fists in anger, and in that moment he saw red.
He saw Iris' face as she retold her story to him, tears rolling down her cheeks.
He wondered what he would do if she had succeeded with her attempt on that night she tried to end it all.
He wondered how different it would be.
He watched as Nott laughed walking further into the hall with a group of boys. Draco couldn't hold himself back any longer.

He leapt forward pushing himself to stand up from the table and smashing his glass as his did, Blaise looked up at him in confusion as he charged over to the group of boys.
His fists clenched tighter as he stormed forward red faced and brewing with anger. He swore he was going to fucking kill him.

Not giving Theo a moment to even notice his presence he smashed his fist right into his nose and immediately blood started trickling down his face. Nott held his face with surprise and confusion, looking back at Malfoy.
The rest of the boys backed off, intimidated by Malfoy's strength.
"What the fuck." Nott breathed.

But before another second Malfoy smashed his fist into Notts face again, continuing to see red he smashed his fist again, and again, until Nott was lying on the floor unconscious.
Just like he had left Iris.
His face was covered in blood and over his hands and neck. His nose looked broken for sure, the bruises already forming.
And with a final rage of anger Malfoy stamped his foot hard into Notts forehead and the attention of the students in the hall gasped.

"Draco Malfoy." Her sharp accent echoed through the great hall.
"Stop what you are doing at once. And follow me."

Mcgonagall's voice was struck with anger as she watched Draco walk towards her with a scowl, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his hands covered in blood.
Snape walked into the great hall and Mcgonagall clicked and pointed towards Nott, who lay on the floor unconscious. Snape edged towards the boy with confusion before he began to heal him.

Malfoy scowled back at Nott and glanced quickly to Blaise who was stood up and watching Malfoy wide eyed with confusion. To Blaise, Nott had always been sort of a mate. What the hell could've happened for him to flip like that?

As Mcgonagall led him out into the corridor and towards her office she muttered, "You boy."
"Are in deep trouble."
She opened the door and had him sit down.
"What the hell is the matter with you, fighting in the middle of the great hall? The poor boy was covered in his own blood Draco. You really have taken it too far this time. You could've killed him."

"I should've."
He muttered to himself, though almost a little to loud.
Mcgonagall tutted as she snapped, "75 points from Slytherin house. And I shall be contacting your family. I'm sure Lucius will be pleased to hear his dashing young boy is assaulting students at the school."
Draco rolled his eyes, great - exactly what he needed.
"And you shall be taking detention with Snape for this week. That is not optional."
She snapped before opening her door and signalling for him to leave.
"You can leave Malfoy. Make sure to stay away from Nott- I shall see of no more violence. Or I will simply have no choice but to expell you from Hogwarts."

Draco scowled and waltzed out of her office, picturing Nott lying bloodied up on the floor had at least bought him an ounce of pleasure. It was the least he could do, for her.

As he walked back to his dorm he slammed the door behind him and brought his hands to his head in frustration. He sat down on his bed, head in his hands with confusion.
A sudden tap on his window averted his attention, it was his fathers black owl.
He rolled his eyes, Surely he couldn't have got the news from Mcgonagall that fast?
But this was Lucius, and any chance to snap at Draco he would surely take.

He opened his window and snatched the letter before watching the owl fly off into the distance.
He read it rubbing at his eyes. It had already been too much fucking excitement for one day and it wasn't even 11 o clock.


I wrote as soon as I heard. Assaulting a student at school?
A Slytherin pureblood I believe at that. I would understand if it had been a Muggleborn but this is of course confusing.
Theodore's father is one of the earliest Death eaters of our Lord Voldemort. We do not want to get on the wrong side, we consider them our friends, not our enemies.
I hope you are not mingling with the wrong people.
Do not disappoint me. And remember everything you do is to protect the Malfoy name.

Your father,
Lucius Malfoy.

Draco sighed as he re read the letter through, again and again.
Do not disappoint me.
Although of course his father would be disappointed with him. He had almost admitted to Iris that he hadn't wanted to take the dark mark, well he had at least told Iris that he hadn't chosen his life. And she could definitely interpret that, if the scars on his arm hadn't been a give away.
How could he show her the scars? How could he be so stupid. So vulnerable.

His father would fucking hate him. He had brought shame onto the Malfoy name and he would never forgive himself.

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