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11:30am Malfoy's dorm

Malfoy paced up and down his room. He had been fucking set up by someone clever enough to charm his fucking handwriting in his fucking letter paper with his family's fucking named wax seal.

He was so angry at fucking Parkinson, but he knew she wasn't clever enough to do this on her own.
This Job was too detail oriented, too real.

Who the fuck would put her up to this?
Then it hit him like a ton of bricks.
His father.
He rubbed at his head in distress.
His father has always been fond of him and fucking pureblood Parkinson together.
All Pansy had to do was let him know about Iris and that was it. His constant letters reminding him to have 'no distractions' had perhaps been because he already knew that he had one.
He seethed with anger, his face growing red at the thought of his fathers interference in his relationships. It made him feel sick now that his father knew about Iris, he hoped and prayed that Pansy hadn't told him too much about her, so that he could still try and keep her safe.
Her identity hidden.
This is exactly what he dreaded would happen when he made Iris his, his knew his family would disapprove and get all involved, and Iris would be put in danger with the Dark Lord.
They pictured her as his 'Distraction.'

He had to let Iris know what the hell was going on, that this was down to his father and Pansy trying to revert his attention away from Iris and back towards helping the Dark Lord.
The Parkinson's had always sucked up to his family and now it was all clicking in his head that this was just another plan for them to pick up another thieving reward from them.

This set up screamed Lucius all over. He was brimming with anger and he wanted to apparate right down to the manor and scream in his fathers face about why he always had to make his life hell, but he knew that right now Iris had to be she priority.
She had to know the truth.
And his father, he could wait. He would decide what to do about him later.

Malfoy slammed his door behind him and ran sprinting through the corridor, back towards Iris' dorm, he pushed open her door.
The room was empty, apart from Parkinson who was sat smirking over at him on her bed.
He breathed with anger.
"You fucking set me up you nasty little bitch."

"Oh please Malfoy. Get over yourself. You and Iris could never be together, I mean she's a fucking half blood for Merlin's sake."

"I did you a favour."

"Piss off Parkinson. And I'm assuming you had a little help with this, my father perhaps?"
She laughed and took a few steps towards him, an angry frown plastered on his face.
She pulled at his tie delicately between her fingers.
"Ooh, cleverer than I thought. This was too well escalated for Iris to believe any of the rubbish you are going to spill to her."
She flirted, fiddling with her hair between her fingers.

Malfoy took a step back from her and ignored her advances, before breathing with anger,
"Where the fuck is Iris..."

"I think her and Elledge headed down to the great hall for lunch. Or do let me come and see you grovel over a fucking halfblood. Irrelevant one at that. She won't listen to a word you have to say."
Pansy giggled with delight at the sudden thought of drama.

"Go and fuck yourself you pathetic little bitch." Malfoy spat, taking one of his hands and pushing her shoulder back with one strong movement.
With that he span on his heel and broke into a run, slamming the door in Pansy's face.
He was running to the great hall, he had to let Iris know the truth.

Iris was sat in the hall with Syd, her face still red and her eyes still glossy from her recent argument with Malfoy.
Syd was rubbing at her back, consoling her and letting her know that "Parkinson and Malfoy are both fucking disgusting and they deserve each other."
Syd's quick wit and rude comments about pug face Pansy had definitely helped but Iris couldn't help but wonder in the back of her mind what she had done to deserve this.

Even when they were fighting , Malfoy had only ever looked at her with loving eyes, this whole revelation just showed how much of a good liar he clearly was.

Iris picked at her food before letting Syd know that she needed to get some fresh air for a bit. She stood up slowly and crossed her arms across her chest before making her way through the corridor for a bit of space to think.

No more than a few steps down the corridor and she heard the crash of footsteps behind her and Malfoy's heavy breathes.
She pulled her arms in closer to her chest and refused to turn around, even when his cold hand enclosed over her shoulder.
"I thought I told you to leave me alone." She sniffed.

"Look Iris please." He used his hand to flick her body round towards him, a broken look on her eyes that just made him want to pick her up into a warm embrace.

"I worked it out. The letters. It was all my father.... all of it." He breathed slowly, still out of breath.

"Don't lie to me Malfoy. What do you mean?"

"My father has always had a thing for me and Parkinson together. He put her up to this, I swear to you. It all makes sense now, he had been sending me so many letters informing me I could not get distracted from my commitment to the Dark Lord, because he knew I was distracted by you. Parkinson had been so Kindly letting him know."

"The letters Malfoy.... were in your handwriting." She breathed. Trying so desperately to believe him.

"I know. My fathers clever, he had charmed them, and the wax seal 'M' is owned by the whole of our family. Trust me when I say my father is the type of man to do this. He doesn't want me involved with, half bloods."

"Right and I suppose you agree?"

"Of course I fucking don't. Not any more."
His hand rested upon her chest and her voice rang with desperation,
"Fucking promise me Malfoy that none of those letters came from you."

"I promise."
"It's all a dirty set up."
He weaved his hands around her waist and they embraced gently in the empty corridor. Iris still feeling distinct sadness from the recent exchange.

"I'm sorry for my shitty family." He spoke sadly into her hair. "This is why I never wanted to tell you much about them, especially my father. He is a vile man."

Malfoy grabbed her hand tightly and led them back to the common room, sneering at a few sixth year girls who swooned over him as he walked past. Arriving back at the common room, Iris explained the situation to Syd and Blaise. Who were shocked, to say the least.

At least now they knew that Parkinson was much more of an evil cow than they had first thought.

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