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9 days later
10:00pm dorm room

The tension at Hogwarts had been, high, especially in the last week.
Attacks on Muggleborns were beginning to grow around the school and the general dark atmosphere seemed to be a perfect pathetic fallacy for Iris' mood.

She had healed Draco at the Astronomy tower over a week ago now, and they still continued to ignore each other just like they had been doing before, apart from shared longing glances felt across the common room.
Draco had clearly felt that this was the best way to distance his feelings from her and protect her from all the deatheater shit, which seemed to be a very popular topic of conversation in the current climate.

She went to check on him a few nights into the continued silence, but he hadn't answered her eager knock on his door. Either he hadn't been in, or he had ignored her. He wasn't showing up to his lessons either.
She couldn't help but worry about him after seeing him in the state he was in on their last interaction.

Hogwarts no longer seemed to be the magical hopeful place it had once been, and Syd had been spending most of her evenings with Blaise, down in the common room. Iris of course didn't mind but she couldn't help feeling lonely.
Lonely and longing for someone's touch. Someone with chiselled features and a strong physique, someone who would hold her in his broken arms, someone who despite his connections with the Dark Lord, she knew she could still trust.

After kissing him at the Astronomy tower she had hoped that their silence would be broken. She was worried that his urge to protect her meant that he believed this could be the only way to keep her safe.
She was determined to show him that this wasn't the only way.
The silence didn't have to be the only way.

If the wizarding world was going to crash and burn, she wanted it to happen in his arms.
The sad reality was, he was a fucking deatheater.
He would be likely be fighting if a war was to happen.
Although Iris suspected it was a while away yet, she couldn't help but think about him, in her future.

10:00pm Malfoy Manor

"You cannot let anything distract you Draco. With the Dark Lord growing stronger this is our family's chance to show our loyalty's towards him. In less than a year I believe we may have a war on our hands. And you shall be expected to fight. Alongside me."

Draco gulped, and nodded.
No distractions.
Despite their silence he could only think of her.
Who would be there to protect her from people like Theodore Nott?
In that moment he decided that he should break the silence.
He deserved to spend his time with her before this whole deatheater thing became really fucking serious. Truly.
His few days spent in the Manor, around all his fellow deatheaters, had been hell.
He just wanted to get back to Hogwarts.
Not even necessarily to see Iris, but just to be away, from them.

Then again all the fucking conversations at Hogwarts seemed to be about that too. It was like he couldn't get away from it all.
The only place he had seemed to forget about it all was the quick but special moments he spent watching her.
Iris always looked so beautiful, if she was in the common room talking to Elledge, doing her homework or just simply staring out into space. (She seemed to be doing that last one a lot more commonly now.)
Although he'd never called her beautiful, he hoped that she would know. Maybe one day he would tell her.
He had banished himself from talking to her, letting his feelings for her take fourth in his mind.
Instead he had replied to his mother's letter and took her up on her offer for a few days back at the Manor.
Although now he wished he hadn't accepted. Things seemed a lot safer back at Hogwarts.
And he could thank Salazar that he would be back at Hogwarts by tomorrow evening, and he could explain his new plan to Iris.
He didn't know what it was yet, but he knew, that his time with her was precious and limited.
And he was sure he could kiss and touch her without giving into her loving gaze begging him to open up.

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