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8:20am Malfoy's dorm

Later that night Draco had carried Iris back to his dorm from the common room and snuggled her under his sheets.

Iris awoke to the sun streaming through his green curtains, she smiled and snuggled further into his arms.
She knew he wouldn't awake for a while, he was a late sleeper.
Wiggling out of his arms she made her way to the bathroom to clean herself up a little bit. Writing a small note to him and placing it on his night stand, she slipped on her shoes and out of the door, she wanted to get back to her dorm to get ready as she had promised Sydney that they would eat breakfast together this morning.

8:35am dorm room

Iris hesitated before turning the key in her door. She could hear shouting behind it, and wondered what the fuck was going on.
She clattered the door open and her eyes wondered over Syd and Pansy, stood metres away from eachother both red faced and clenched fists.

"What's going on?" Iris questioned as their heads turned to face her.
"Here. I'll tell you what's going on Iris fucking banks. Your so called boyfriend or whatever the fuck you two even are, Is sending me secret love letters."

Parkinson laughed with anger as Iris' face was hit with a state of confusion.
"Your best friend here wanted to see all the letters he'd sent to me as soon as I mentioned it, I told her to bugger off. That it's none of her fucking business."

Syd scowled In response to Pansy's nasty words,
"Parkinson what the fuck is up with you? You can't just run around making accusations that Malfoy is fucking in love with you and then not give any fucking proof!"
Syd was shouting now, eyes narrowed towards Parkinson. Iris stood still, watching them both, she knew that Malfoy wouldn't do anything of the sort so she wasn't too worried about what Parkinson had to say.

"Fine Elledge. You want fucking proof? I'll give you fucking proof."
She stormed over towards Iris and handed her a pile of letters. Iris took them, still saying silent.

"You two enjoy pondering over those love letters. I'm going to find Malfoy." She pushed past Iris' shoulder as she walked and slammed the door shut behind her.
"What is going on?" Iris questioned towards Syd with confusion, Syd walked up towards her, "Parkinson said Malfoy's been sending her fucking letters. I don't know how true it is but you better read through those." Syd pointed to the pile of letters that Pansy had dropped into Iris' hands.

"Syd, if these really are from him, do you mind giving me a minute to myself."
Iris felt a tear prick into her eye as she looked down at the pile of letters with confusion.
Syd rubbed at her back, "I'll be down in the common room if you need me." She smiled with reassurance and walked out of the dorm.

Iris sighed heavily and sat down on her bed. She prayed that this was some stupid fucking Prank.

He fingers fiddled over the letters, she flipped the pile around in her lap to notice that the black wax seal was imprinted with an M, just like all the letters that Draco had sent to Iris were.
He heart beat quickened as she realised the wax seal was a give away these were in fact written from Draco.

She opened the first letter.

I miss you so terribly, I'll meet you tonight?
I truly have never met another girl like you.
Please do not worry about Banks.
She is irrelevant and a bit of  fun.
You are the real deal.

My love,

Iris' finger hovered over the page as she re read it a few times. Her eyes stung with tears.
It couldn't be.
She is irrelevant.
Her breath quickened, Surely it wasn't true.
Seconds later she opened the wax seal of another letter, and began to read.

I have to admit I am enjoying sneaking around with you.
What time are you free later, love?
I need you.

My love,

A tear dropped onto the page as Iris brought her hands up to her mouth in shock.
She never should've never fucking trusted him.
It hurt so bad, God it hurt so bad.
She grabbed the letters with tears in her eyes and dropped them onto the floor, her head in her hands.
She didn't want to read anymore of them, she had all the information she needed.

Malfoy and her were never real.
And now she knew it for sure.

She stood up suddenly, wiping at her damp cheeks. She compared the handwriting to a letter he had sent her, and it was exactly the same.
There was no denying that he was after Parkinson, and she was nothing.

A sudden crash through her door and Malfoy stood staring at her in the doorway. He was out of breath, his face looked tired and wary, his hands shaking.
Iris' jaw dropped and she took a few steps back from him.
"STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME." She shouted stepping on the letters beneath her feet as she took a few steps back. Her face was red and wet with tears.

"Iris calm down. Elledge shouted at me downstairs, I had to find you, what the fuck is going on?"
Malfoy's voice was snappy but it also shook, could've been with anger, could've been with fear.

"Why are you acting dumb?" Iris laughed flailing her arms about frantically in distress.

"I know about you and fucking Pansy. You can drop your act."
She continued laughing, anger eating her up.


She seethed with anger, attempting to push him back lightly, but he didn't budge.

"SHE SHOWED ME YOUR FUCKING LETTERS." She shouted back through gritted teeth, gesturing to the letters on the floor.

"The fuck is this shit." He seethed picking one up and from the floor and quickly reading through.


"OH REALLY! Well it's your fucking handwriting, your fucking letter paper, and those wax seals are literally imprinted with the name fucking Malfoy."

Malfoy took a step towards her, reaching out a hand in an attempt to calm her.
"YOU REALLY BELIEVE THESE ARE FROM ME?" He seethed with anger, raising his voice louder at her.

"YES! Whatever this fucking thing was between us, it's over. Now get the fuck out of my dorm. I never want to see you again."
Malfoy's face dropped, his eyes narrowed with pain.

"Iris you don't know what your doing-"

"Yes. I do. Now leave me alone. Go and be with fucking Pansy, Salazar knows she means more to you than I ever did."

Malfoy opened his mouth to protest-
"Leave." She breathed.
With that he clenched his fists and turned his body round to storm out of her dorm.

East wing terrace 10:45pm

Parkinson sat on a bench alone outside the castle. She smiled to herself as she fiddled with a letter in her hands.
She replayed the look on Iris' face as she told her. Hilarious really.
She could finally see the truth, that Draco didn't like her.
Even if she had emphasised the truth slightly.

She opened her letter with ease, sliding it between her fingers.


I hope to hear that you have succeeded at your task.
Thank you again for informing me of Malfoy's current distraction with the Half blood girl, hopefully the plan will have put an end to all of it.
He will finally be able to focus on the Dark Lords commands.
You will be sure to get a great reward.

Yours, Lucius Malfoy.

Pansy smirked to herself.
Lucius would be so pleased to hear that she had succeeded. The look on Iris' face suggested that it certainly was over between them.
She would write back to Lucius in an instant, let him know the good news.

Lucius Malfoy was an extremely respectable wealthy pure blood wizard and with Pansy's crafty plan his reward was sure to be great for her family.

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