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10:25pm Draco's dorm

Draco stormed into his room following his meeting with Iris, slamming the door behind him.
He had his own dorm, with one double bed in the middle, rather dull compared to his lavish bedroom back at the manor. He lay down in his bed, looking up the ceiling.
He couldn't believe that he had just caved, caved into Iris fucking banks. Truly he had meant to invite her to the tower to warn her away, spit on her and taunt her. But instead he had touched her, then she had touched him, and then, his mind wandered to the innocent gloss of her eyes as she looked up at him, before he snapped back to reality.

It shouldn't have happened at all, he rubbed at his head. He didn't have time for this back and fourth arguing with her, yet he didn't want to stop speaking to her, to stop interacting with her, and being honest to himself, he didn't know how else to act towards her. Towards anyone.
It's like his personality didn't work that way, it was wired to cut people out and keep himself and his family safe from prying eyes.
He thought back on what his father had said to him on his 13th birthday. Like he could ever forget.

"You don't show vulnerability boy. You never show vulnerability. It's weak. The Malfoy name simply does not have room for weak."

Apart from once since then, Draco had never cried.

Let alone cried he had never shown any emotion. To protect the family name, he knew it was important. Power over weakness was extremely important to his father.
And so his protective nasty personality came natural to him, hell looking down on mud-bloods surely did, but, he knew now he was older that there was something inside him, longing for a love that really his family could never give him.
Sure, his mother would love him and protect him till the end of the earth, but his father would always have the last word.

He knew how dangerous this could be with Iris, letting her in, and that's why there, laying on his bed, eyes fixed on the ceiling, he vowed to not let Iris in. To show no weakness, and keep it tactical. He could fuck her, for sure she was a slut she would go along with it, and a longing for anything else, anything more, should be banished.
It was strange really, any girl he'd had a thing with in the past just seemed to make him want to close up more, but there was something about Iris that made him want to open up to her. It was dangerous. As long as he made sure she was clear on the ground rules, neither of them would want more with each other and it would be fine.
Wouldn't it?

He was fine before her and he would be fine after her. He was almost sure of it. Almost.

10:25pm Iris' dorm

Iris twisted her key into the door of her room, preparing for the wraith of Syd and her probably millions of questions.
As she twisted the key, she thought back to how they had left each other, both longing for more, but both lying to each other instead.
She could tell with the look in his eyes that he was lying, it was like he had to look away whenever he told her it meant nothing, like he couldn't say it with his chest.

She knew it might take a while to open him up but she wanted to try, She knew there was more to him hiding under his dark nasty exterior.
She had never felt so safe than with his hands around her, and truly, it made her feel so right.
She hated opening up to anyone, ever since IT had happened, she vowed to not open up to anyone ever again. Her biggest secret, that she spent her whole life trying to protect and hide from prying eyes.
And yet Draco made her want to tell him, made her want to open up to him, and she hated it. But also she couldn't help but love it.
A feeling like there could be more to life, more than just reminiscing over her secret and cringing at her past that she wished she could make disappear. With him it was so intense, he would make her heart beat wildly in her chest and her breath quicken as she looked into his captivating eyes.

The scar on Draco's arm from his dark-mark had proved he was broken, tainted goods.

But she was broken too. Her scars were just on the inside. If only he could see. If only she could show him.

The key clicked and she walked into the dorm, wiping her tired eyes after the long day at Hogwarts.
Syd was sat on her bed, cross legged. She twisted her head around, a cigarette between her teeth as she grinned.
"Iris banks I have been waiting for you."
She smirked wrapping a blanket around her shoulders.

"Please bear all info, every little detail."
Her grin widened. Iris blushed with the thought of her and Malfoy's steamy exchange and grinned back at Syd sitting down on her own bed. Before scanning the room for any sighting of Pansy, Syd interrupted- "Don't worry she's out with Greengrass."
She smiled.
"Now go! The suspense is killing me! What did Malfoy want?"
"Well we sort of just kissed. A lot." Iris spoke, slightly embarrassed.

"Very naughty indeed." Syd pried, "You didn't talk?"
"A little. But it was mainly just passion. Like we couldn't keep our hands off each other. I mean he told me it meant nothing, again, but I couldn't help but feel like he was lying Syd. It's like he couldn't look at me whenever he said it."
Iris spilled to her friend, it had felt good to speak to someone else about how she felt.

"He obviously can't stay away Iris. But you can't carry on with him saying yes with his hands and no with his mouth." She spoke clearly taking a drag from her cigarette.
"It's just not practical."
"I kind of also might have, got on my knees for him if you know what I mean."
Iris brought her hands up to her face with embarrassment and laughed as Syd's shocked reaction held for a few seconds.
"Iris banks. Never thought I'd be hearing you started your seventh year sucking off Draco Malfoy on the top of the astronomy tower. Crazy."
The girls laughed together.

"I know right. Strangest start to a year yet. I truly did keep my promise about doing more exciting things this year."
Iris nodded with a laugh and then sighed,
"I'm fucking knackered Syd. I'm going to try and get some sleep."

"I'm not surprised, you've been very fucking busy after all!"
Syd laughed and pushed out her cigarette and snuggled into her duvet.
"Me too though Iris. I'm glad tomorrow is the weekend. Blaise asked me to hang out with him again tomorrow. I reckon I'll go."
"Sounds good. I reckon I'll stay in bed bundled up with guilt."
Iris laughed snuggling further into her bed.

"You shall do no such thing. Goodnight Iris, sleep well."
"You too. Syd."
Sleep stole Iris quickly and she had vivid dreams. Dreams of Malfoy. Holding her, rocking her and wiping away her tears. Wiping away her past that she so delicately tried to hide. The scenario was so alien to her the dream had felt strange, but it was also right, and longed to be made into a reality.

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There's a little more insight into Draco's feelings this chapter and also Iris' :)
nice to compare similarities to their thoughts about each other....

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