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6:45pm Alnerwick

Draco paused over her for a few minutes.
He wasn't moving, and he dare not even breathe.

His tears had stopped flowing and so his eyes were red and puffy, because what was the point in crying anymore?
She was gone now and he couldn't get her back.

Narcissa would've looked peaceful if it wasn't for the dried blood and the rapid rate her face was getting scarily paler. Lips going blue.
Draco turned away, no one said a word- but he supposed no one really knew what to say.
He wanted to be alone and away from everybody's cries.
Iris stroked his back as he stood up, body shaking and uncertain.
"I- I need to go outside."
He stammered.
If it wasn't for the simple fact that Iris was worried he would do something stupid, then she would've just let him go without a second thought. But watching him leap out of the door and leave his dead mother in the living room, surrounded by the group made her feel extremely sick and uneasy.

As much as she knew it was important for him to be alone, he probably needed her right now.
"We'll be back later." She turned to Andromeda who looked up from her head in her hands.
She understood with a nod and let her go, following after Draco.

It wasn't a big village and there wasn't many places to go so hopefully she wouldn't have too much of a big job finding him.
The sun had just set, so it was dusky and peaceful outside, the birds singing the final song of the day. And yet in her head she was going crazy to believe that she had really just witnessed that, her tummy filling with nervous butterflies as she thought about Draco. He never was one for opening up but she really needed him too, otherwise she just knew how this was going to end.
As much as she didn't want to believe it herself, it was so dreadfully important that she find him.

She was running now, the wind in her hair, plait unravelling and cascading down her back. Her tears had stopped flowing but she didn't really feel like they had, still had that empty sad feeling that was eating up her insides.
Have got to find Draco....
She continued running, the feeling of being free yet also distressed under such pressure she had never really dealt with before.
Where the fuck is he....
She turned the corner along the path, running even faster now alongside the river that seemed to be roaring much louder than usual. Perhaps it was just the stress of the situation?
Her dress was flying behind her in a mad manner and the grass along the bank of the river was crunching heavily beneath her feet.

Then she saw him, hunched over the river, metres ahead of her. He was dangling his fingertips over the water and staring into it. Perhaps at his reflection?
He looked up at her, eyes red and distant, and then looked back down at the river.
"Draco." She stammered, a breath of relief before she took a few steps and sat beside him, looking down as well. She really had no idea what to say, what could she say- it wouldn't change it, wouldn't make it better?

He appreciated her presence, and a solemn silence filled the air and space between them before Draco finally broke it. Anger spitting from his voice,
"It should've been him."
Iris knew exactly what he meant and quite simply she couldn't help but agree. It should've been him.
Lucius was an evil man and Narcissa had quite frankly saved their lives. It should've been him.

"Why her? Why the fuck, how, could he do this to her?"
Draco stammered, and Iris felt her heart sink.
"She didn't deserve it Draco."
But he knew that already, he didn't need to hear the things he already knew?
He looked at her lovingly, as if to say thanks, but his eyes soon glazed over as he squeezed her hand. Fingers still wet from the river water.

"Your mother will always be remembered as a kind hearted women. Your father will never have that."

Draco nodded, because she was right. Or was she?
"But, she won't. The Malfoy surname doesn't exactly carry good fucking connotations."
Iris sighed, "She will be by the people that matter."
Draco nodded again, slowly, his eyes filling up at the thought of the only person he could trust throughout his childhood lying dead in his living room.
He fucking hated his father with every bone in his body. He could've sworn Narcissa was the only thing his father loved and clearly he was wrong.
He didn't love anything, or anyone.
His father didn't even know love.

Draco also struggled with the concept of love too, that was until he met Iris. Then he just knew.
And knew that his mother had loved him all these years, she just wasn't strong enough against fathers hatred until recently.
His and Iris' relationship hadn't been an easy one, both coming from slightly different backgrounds and at the moment he knew he liked her trying to push her away. Not wanting to hurt her like his father did to him.
But he wasn't afraid anymore, he knew that unlike his father he could never do something to hurt Iris on purpose. He would spend his whole life protecting and looking after her and that was love.
Not whatever his father and mother had.

He squeezed her hand again. The gentle rushing water of the river peaceful because it gave them both time to think without an echoing silence.

"I don't want to spend my whole life running from my father. He deserves to fucking die."
Draco hissed out.
"Perhaps. But, you don't need to run from him here. We are safe now and there's no use thinking about him any longer." Iris smiled sadly into his icy grey eyes.

"I don't want to have to tiptoe around my fathers name forever. It's like every time I hear my surname it's a god awful reminder of him."
Iris nodded with understanding,
"Reinvent the name then. When he dies that name will just be yours."
She paused before continuing, "and besides, I like it. I met you and now I love you and maybe it's not because of your name but I certainly love you with the name."

Draco smiled, his head was banging and eyes burning. He'd had enough for one day, he needed to sleep and just forget- even if just for a night.
Iris seemed to notice to, as it was starting to get dark, and she stood up slowly.
"Let's go home." She suggested and Draco paused for a second as if to think about the sentiment.
"I don't know Iris, I don't wanna see her again."
"No- we'll go to Sydney's."
Draco nodded, his hand limp in hers as they walked back slowly, wind in their hair and hearts full with love for each other.
But Draco's also empty in another way.

They paced toward Syd's in silence and Syd opened and welcomed them inside without a second thought.
"I'm so sorry Draco." She mumbled as they entered and Draco nodded in appreciation, his hand still tightly gripped in Iris'.
Iris pulled Syd into a hug, one hand still in Draco's,
"You mind if we stay Syd, just tonight?"
Sydney nodded without a question, taking their coats and hanging them alongside the door.

"You guys please make yourself at home. I'm going to help out Ana at yours quickly." She said solemnly now tearing up a little, "We are going to clear your living room and find the most beautiful coffin. Ana said she doesn't mind hosting the service, a few days from now."
The pair nodded, Draco whispering a solemn, "Thankyou." As to not start himself crying again.

"I'll let her know you are both safe and at mine. The spare bedroom is on the right upstairs."
Syd smiled before leaving the pair to walk up hand in hand and make this their home for the night.

Draco clambered straight into the bed, much similar to their own, and just sighed. Flicking his wand to turn off the light.
He was so tired but his mind was driving him crazy, wide awake with thoughts he definitely didn't want to be thinking of.
Iris didn't really say much, just undressed to her underwear and snuggled in next to him, focussing on his warm chest that was slowly rising up and down. Listening to each shaky breath.
She ran her hands along his skin and began placing wet kisses along his neck and over his chest, working her way down his tensed arms and even each finger.
He had his eyes closed tightly shut and focussed his thoughts on where her tender lips were going to kiss next, moving one hand to stroke her soft hair as she sent more kisses along his stomach, pushing her weight on top of him to feel her skin against his.

Their hearts were beating in sync, fast and without a doubt the same rhythm. She felt warm and fuzzy inside, of course she was sad- but skin touching it felt so right. Made her feel warm and almost forget everything for a second.
And Draco forgot for a second too, focusing on her light figure that was on top of him, hot breathes in sync and kisses all along his body for him to concentrate on.
Eventually, she rolled off him and into the crevice beneath his shoulder to snuggle against his side. Her eyes open and slowly adjusting to the dark bedroom.
She left it a few moments of silence, just each breath the only sound to be heard.

"Draco?" She whispered, of full knowledge he was still awake.
"She's so proud of you. You know?"

"I know."

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