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11:45 safehouse

Andromeda stood in front of Draco who was edging forward, the rain pouring harder now than it had before.
Water sliding off her face that looked both distraught and nervous, the pair both clutching at their wands.


"You really do have a temper like your father did." She mumbled, a shivering finger pushing a strand of wet hair away from her face, "Let me in and I'll explain."

Draco practically shouted, pushing his fists hard to collide with the side of the door, Iris rushing to his aid and trying to calm him, her hands cupping around his red face- his still shaking as Andromeda watched the pair. Still from outside.
"Calm down Draco, we need to listen to her. She's on our side."
She whispered, thinking he was the only one to hear, although Andromeda's soggy face soon offered Iris a slight smile and nod of gratitude.
Especially since she didn't quite know how to handle her newly met nephew throwing a little of a tantrum.

"I'm sorry. Do come inside." Iris nodded to her, leading Draco to sit down- his body still shaking and eyes boring into Andromeda with anger as she gingerly took a seat inside too.

"What a great welcome." She addressed the group with a sarcastic laugh, slight nasty tone- but suppose that was justified after Draco's reception.
"Call me Ana."

"Sorry. I'm Iris by the way, and this is Sydney, and Draco of course although I'm sure you've already guessed-

Draco interrupted with a nasty laugh, "Just tell me why my mother isn't here." He sneered and Andromeda sighed, expecting the next conversation.
Syd hadn't said a word, sat on the opposite sofa biting at her nails with nerves. Iris trying to calm Draco with a gentle rub against his arm as they eagerly awaited her next words.
Draco had blocked everybody out apart from his aunt, all he could think about was his mother and why she hadn't come.

"She- she's-
"I- I don't know."

Draco inhaled a large gulp of air, a bead of sweat on his forehead, before nodding for Andromeda to carry on. Dabbing at her wet face and slicking back her hair, she began to explain.

"I haven't heard from her, and she told me to come for you if she hadn't arrived by now. Knowing your father, I'm assuming it's just too dangerous for her to leave right now. So try not to worry."
She paused with a slight sigh, sadness in her eyes before continuing, "Although me and your mother had lost contact, as soon as she reached out to me I knew I had to help. Well of course I first hand know how hard it is to go against your family values. Especially when you're from a family like the Blacks. Or possibly even worse, when Lucius Malfoy is running the show. I wouldn't put it past him to try and kill his own wife, hey- my father tried to kill me after all. She's in danger, but you must remember that she's so strong."

Iris gasped her eyes sad, "I'm so sorry that happened to you."
Draco didn't say a word, eyes still scanning over her with a sense of not quite trusting her yet, still pools of hot tears in his eyes as his worries increased about his mother.

"No matter," she smiled sadly, "the point is Cissa can't just get up and leave. She needs to be careful and plan it, for her life is at risk there. She wanted me to come and get you lot if she was delayed. Lucius is probably following her around the manor like a hawk. She wanted you all safe, there's no use staying here. We may as well get you all settled in."

Draco huffed unsatisfied rubbing his tired eyes and sore forehead, "I should never have left her."
It came out almost a whisper.

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