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2:20am Malfoy's dorm

Iris sat temptingly on the edge of Malfoy's bed, her legs crossed, her dress dangerously slipping off her shoulders.
Malfoy lent down to whisper in her ear, "Are you sure your ok after tonight?"
"Positive. I enjoyed my night in the end."
" I did too, after all I had you on my arm." Iris smiled as he spoke and tucked her hair behind her ear, looking up at his masculine features.

Malfoy pushed her against the bed slowly and controlled so that she lay, breath quickened. He slid her black dress down her legs.
Her figure was naked and open, and he felt between his legs harden, as he gawped at her precious physique, lying on his bed, waiting.
He slid down her underwear slowly, so that she lay completely naked, looking up at him with wide innocent eyes.

"I want to try something different." He breathed, as she watched him wonder across the room removing his shirt as he did.
He pulled out rope from a drawer and wondered back over to Iris with a smirk. He tied the rope around each wrist, so that she was attached to the bed. She gulped as she watched him tie, a face plastered with greed and lust.

He then moved to her feet, with a smirk, tying rope around each ankle with ease. Iris felt the heat between her legs tingle with anticipation, as she lay open and vulnerable waiting for his longing touch.
In the split second before his fingers enclosed on her flesh, she felt every nerve in her body and brain electrify. Sinking further into the mattress, she watched him lick his teeth slowly, whilst his eyes darted over her.
The lit candle on his side table burned excitedly and he flicked his eyes too it quickly before tieing a slice of black material over her eyes.
"I don't want to hear a whisper out of you."
He breathed, she shuddered under the sound of his hoarse voice, and his masculine scent teased under her nose.
Not being able to know where he would touch her first, or next, was exhilarating.

He placed himself in between her legs, sat in his underwear, his cock bursting to get out and be touched.
He held himself back and began to pour the hot wax over different areas of her body.
She arched her back with pleasure as he massaged the wax into her nipples with ease. As a moan escaped her lips he brought his fingers to her mouth to quieten her, and she sucked on them.

"Good girl."
He cooed as she bucked her hips up towards him. The hot wax drizzling over her body made for a perfect combination of pleasure with pain.
Malfoy watched her wince and squirm pulling her wrists against the ropes. She tried to hold moans in but it was proving more difficult as the wax trickled down from her stomach and down over her vagina opening. He rubbed at her clit slowly as the wax dripped down, her feet curling in pleasure as she bit her lip as to try and not moan.
He slipped his fingers inside her with ease thanks to the wax, covering her delicious naked curves. He studied her and truly, her body was perfect. He was sure he had memorised every inch of it by now, every freckle, every small scar, every perfect curve.

Her mind was wild with anticipation as her walls clenched around his fingers inside of her, moving in and out. She didn't know where he was going to touch her next, and the thrill was so exciting.

He removed his fingers and massaged her body thoroughly with the hot wax, kissing and sucking on her nipples. She bucked her hips as to rub her soaked heat against his stomach.

"Patience." He smirked and she moaned, as he continued to tease at her nipples with his classic Malfoy smirk.
Iris could see nothing, and she couldn't move, so all she had to focus on were his fingers, of which were dragging along her skin leaving her tingling as he went.
Not being able to continue any longer he pulled out his throbbing cock and rubbed it along her entrance. She moaned loud and bucked her hips as much as she could.
"I thought I told you to shut the fuck up." He snapped before slowing entering her. "Do you want me or not?"
"Yes daddy. I want you inside me."  Her voice was a whisper of innocence.
Without any question Draco slid himself in, her entrance was wet and lapped up his large member. He began to move inside her, slow at first, as he watched her wince with his large size edging further into her.

Then he sped up, quicker and quicker, gripping onto her waist, as she became wetter and it became slightly easier to take all of him inside her.
Malfoy groaned as he pushed in and out of her, her tied up body so vulnerable underneath this touch.
Iris could feel her body was close to climax, she felt fuzzy and warm, and with Malfoy inside her, despite her vulnerable state, she felt complete.

She tried to hold her moans in as per Malfoy's request but whispered "I'm so close Draco."

"Cum with me Iris." He lent over her body, still pumping inside her, and lifted off her blindfold. Their eyes met and poured into each other with lust and fire, and he delved into her gorgeous blue eyes as the pressure realised from his body inside her.

He grabbed his wand from the side and casted a quick spell at her stomach to stop her from getting pregnant. Their mouths melted into each other and he pulled himself out of her and lay beside her. Holding her face, he placed a kiss on her nose.
His cum poured out of her and onto the bed and he smirked at the sight of it, before beginning to untie her wrists, and then her ankles. As soon as she was free, she stretched her arms out and he carried her to the shower, as if she would dare try to walk after that.

He sat her down on the shower floor, the warm water trickling down her back.
Kneeling behind her, he reached around, rubbing the residue of wax off her naked body. She closed her eyes and the warm steam soothed her soul.
His hands traced over her back before they were in her hair. Swirling a pool of mint shampoo in his palms, he rubbed it into her scalp. She tilted her head back in pleasure.

They shared a few wet kisses in the shower before he helped her out and wrapped her up in a fluffy towel. Iris pulled on some fresh underwear and Draco handed her a large oversized tshirt and some black tracksuit bottoms, that she quickly charmed to fit her small waist.
Iris yawned and checked the time, it read 3:50am. She rolled her eyes and snuggled into Draco's bed as she watched him dry off his body and pull up some fresh underwear. A gorgeous sight to say to least. Draco slid into bed beside her and kissed her forehead, wrapping himself in the warm duvet and snaking his arm around her waist.
All the excitement from the night had knocked Iris out in barely a couple of minutes.


Draco awoke suddenly from a strong burning sensation coming from his left forearm.
His eyes sprung open and he moved to a sitting position in the bed, looking over at Iris who was tucked into a ball in a deep slumber.

It was happening.
He glared down at his mark, that was darker than ever, and winced as the pain deepened.
Strong burning and stinging enclosed over his entire left forearm and he stood out of bed slowly, his face in disbelief and he stared down at his mark.
He was scared. Truly scared. Voldemort was calling him, and likely all the death eaters, He would have no choice but to apparate. 
It was burning harsher and stronger than it ever had before, and tears pricked in Draco's eyes as he looked down at the dark Ink skull plastered onto his burning flesh.
He flicked his wand to change himself into his signature smart attire and clutched at his arm.

He only had minutes, the burning was aching terribly now.
Minutes to say goodbye.
He couldn't do it, he wouldn't know what to say.
He was helpless.
He couldn't face a goodbye, not from her.

Without a second thought, the pain now crawling inside him, he took one last look at his sleeping lover and whispered, "This isn't our goodbye."
He apparated within a minute, he had to do this. Make his family proud of him.

But god it hurt, leaving her behind. Leaving her clueless and asleep, lying in his four poster bed, only this time he wasn't beside her, she was alone.

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