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4:30am Malfoy Manor

After the bath, they had both slept again for another 6 hours. Iris in the bed, Draco the chair.

He had only awoke once, to ask a house elf to check on his parents whom they had concluded they would at least be at war for another week, and that they were staying at a friends house in between the fighting. His mother seemed pleased that Lucius giving Draco a 'slave' was a way to keep him out of the war. He assumed his father had envisioned him torturing her, and possibly doing many other things, oh how disappointed would he be when he realised instead that he was falling in love with her all over again.
And Draco Malfoy does not fall in love. At least not easily.

When he had creeped out of the bedroom leaving Iris cosy and asleep in the bed, to speak to a house elf, he had also received a letter from his mother confirming all these things the elf had told him already.
She had let him know that she was glad he was safe, that she was thinking of him. It helped ease his mind now he knew they wouldn't be back for a while.

This meant he could focus on her. And just her, getting her out safety.

The clock hit 5, and he was sat on the floor now. Iris was lying on her side away from him, and he couldn't help but admire her curves from the angle he was sat. He would shag her so good if she would let him again.
"I know your looking at me." She sleepily spoke, her body still facing away from him.
"Am not."
"Why would I be looking at you?"  He smirked.
Fucking right. Again. This girl is always fucking right. She didn't reply but rolled over in bed to face him sat on the floor, one arm leaning him backwards, the other twiddling with his wand between his fingertips.
Her sleepy face, puffy lips, and messy hair looked gorgeous, big innocent eyes blinking back at him.
"Downstairs?" He questioned.
Her face suddenly dropped with confusion of what he could do. She still couldn't believe that she had opened herself up to him so much last night, practically a stranger, even though it didn't feel like it.
He laughed and ran his hand through his silver strands of hair. "Relax, you just need to eat."
She nodded and slid herself out of the bed, feeling slightly stronger now than she had before.

The big empty manor seemed extremely daunting, and she trailed her hands along the cold corridor walls as she followed, slightly slowly, behind Malfoy's precise steps. The conversation was limited, and they both seemed to keep it that way. Perhaps not sure what to say next.
As she followed along she looked down at the necklace again, still confused on where she had got it from. It certainly wasn't a fake, looked like a real shining emerald, and it seemed like a gap was missing in her memory. It was so frustrating. She tried to keep her mind off it as they arrived in the lavish dining room.

"Sit." Malfoy ordered, and she did. Sitting politely, eyes dancing around and admiring the large room. It certainly didn't feel like a home. More like a dark palace of some sort. Malfoy wondered out the room and as he did, it gave Iris time to think. Alone.

She thought about her family. About the war, about Syd, her best friend. Who she missed and prayed that she was okay. She thought about fucking Pansy who had brought her to Lucius in the first place. Exposed her for being a 'half blood blood traitor' and that was where it all went wrong. How she ended up here.
But why was it she didn't seem to be as unhappy as she should be under Malfoy's company? Sure the conversations were limited, but he just seemed like that type of person. And she couldn't quite believe that they had actually had sex last night. That was a fucking first for sure. They were still extremely distant with eachother though, and it seemed safer that way. She prayed that he would actually manage to get her out of this mess, back to Hogwarts.

He entered the room again, sitting down on a chair around the large table opposite her. She awkwardly twiddled her fingers in her lap- it felt very strange no longer having her wand. They sat in deafening silence for a few minutes, but Malfoy didn't rip his eyes off her. It made her want to squirm under his gaze, just the way he liked.
A house elf paced into the room and bowed his head toward Malfoy, before laying out plates of breakfast food that smelled utterly delicious.

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