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Night of the Christmas Ball, 6:30pm dorm room

Syd and Iris giggled sat around a bottle of fire whiskey, face masks on, the drinking had started early of course, as planned by Syd.
Pansy had also moved into Astoria's dorm for the time being, considering the current situation between her and Iris.
The previous day Iris had helped Syd pick out a gorgeous black sequin dress. Iris hadn't mentioned the dress to Draco, the one she assumed he had bought her, she felt that it would be nicer for him to just watch her turn up in the skin tight dress, hopefully take his breath away.
Her cheeks blushed at the thought as Syd continued on.

" It does feel weird the ball still happening with all this going on."
Syd takes a sip, "But I'm kind of glad it is. You know? Like at least then whatever happens we'll have this to remember our seventh year by."
Iris smiled and began to peel off her face mask slowly, "It definitely does feel strange. I just hope the other houses aren't looking at the Slytherins like you know who coming back is our bloody fault."
Syd laughed, "I know it's not like we are all fucking deatheaters-"
She stopped herself quickly as she realised Malfoy's situation. Her hand rose to her mouth.
"It's ok Syd. He didn't want to take the mark."
"He told you that?"
"Well not exactly. But I can tell. He's tried too... no never mind." Iris stopped herself from revealing too much.
"Does he truly support the Dark Lord Iris?"
The room fell silent as Syd uttered the words.

"No, no I don't believe he does."

Syd nodded with a smile before it turned into a quick grin, "Its time to get ready! I can't wait to see you in that gorgeous green dress!"

Iris moisturised over her tanned skin in hope that her skin would glow just like her perfect dress. She curled her hair slightly, brushing through the waves. She added volume and pulled some strands of hair back to clip up with small gold slides, pulling out strands to frame her face.
A natural coating of makeup took form on her face, apart from she lengthened her lashes more than usual, and plastered a thin layer of gold eyeshadow on to match her clips.

Her gold snake earrings Syd had got her for a birthday one year wrapped around her ears, and she looked pleased with her appearance in the mirror as she helped Syd fix her updo. Now for the dress.

She pulled it out her wardrobe and slid it up her body, and Syd helped pull the small zip up along the side. She gasped, "Oh my gosh Iris. You look beautiful."
Iris smiled, "As do you."
She turned to look at herself in the mirror. The dress fitted her figure perfectly, she had a slim frame but still filled out her hourglass curves. The tight low cut bodice accentuated her breast, her cleavage perfectly pushed up and edible. The delicate straps showed her feminine shoulders and collarbone, leading down to her small waist, the dress cinched in and then flowed down her long legs, leaving a trail behind her. One side of the dress had a split up her leg, which added a sexy feel.
She had to admit she couldn't wait for Malfoy to see her. He had picked a perfect choice.

Her best friend truly looked beautiful too. Her black sequin dress also cinched in her waist, the backless element adding a sensual feel.
The girls clinked their glasses and grinned at each other. Although they didn't show it, their eyes almost pricked with sadness of the thought that their time at Hogwarts could well be coming to an early end.

"Whatever happens this year Syd, just know that truly without you I doubt I would be stood here today. You mean to world to me."
Syd grinned, "I love you Iris banks."
"And I love you, Sydney Elledge."
Iris slipped on her tall gold heels and linked arms with her best friend, they headed down to the great hall to meet the boys outside, and hopefully dance the night away.

Malfoy and Blaise stood against a wall in the corridor outside the entrance of the great hall, sharing a lighter and trying not to get caught with cigarettes hanging out of their mouths.
Blaise wore a black velvet suit, with a dark green shirt, and Malfoy just his signature black, tailored and slender.
As the girls edged closer to them, arm in arm, Iris almost let out a small gasp. He looked utterly gorgeous, his strong physique and chiselled masculine features against the fitted black material complimented perfectly. His white blonde hair was perfectly styled around his face. He stood Lazily, his arm holding him up on the wall, his muscles flexing through the shirt, a cigarette lit between his teeth. Mesmerising.
His eyes hooked onto Iris as he watched her walk, not knowing where to look in her figure hugging gown. She looked truly beautiful, her blonde hair swaying behind her shoulders, her delicate features stretching into a small smile, perfect bronzed skin, the gown complimented her feminine physique perfectly.
Fuck me she looked Hot.
He wished he could rip the gown off her already, but he had supposed he better keep it on for a while yet. He smirked as they drew only a metre away, dropping his cigarette onto the ground and pressing it out with his foot.

"Hello ladies." Blaise grinned to the girls before taking Syd's hand and placing a kiss on the base.
"You both look lovely may I add."
Iris and Syd smiled at him,
"As do you both, so smart." Syd gloated, eyeing at him intently. Blaise took her arm before leading her down the stairs, "A drink perhaps?" Iris watched them walk down the stairs into the hall before her eyes darted back to Malfoy who was staring at her cleavage with a smirk.
"Well how do I look?" Iris teased as she span around in front of him. He took her hand with a smile.

"Like you belong to me."

He placed a small kiss onto her fingers and she smiled as she made her way down the stairs. He placed his hand at the base of her back as he walked beside her, watching her step slowly down each step.
As she walked down, Draco beside her, she felt the burning eyes of a few fellow students.
Pansy and Astoria stood arms crossed, watching them with anger, but she avoided their gaze.
She noticed a few other boys with their eyes on her too, and certainly so did Malfoy as he scowled at a few groups of gawping boys, noticeably one of them, Theodore Nott.
Iris' hands shook slightly as she noticed him, but she focused on Draco's hand placed on her lower back and her anxiety seemed to fade.
The great hall looked beautiful. Festive and warm, greenery hanging from the ceiling, it was buzzing with people, students and professors, the soft music echoing and calming.
Although the current climate, the place still seemed to be happy and fizzing with excitement. Iris couldn't help but feel a warm glow.
She tried to ignore the few glares at Malfoy, presumedly the rumours of him being a death eater, and so did he. Although it seemed many people were too scared of him than to bat an eyelid towards him.
Iris also desperately ignored the group of girls who were clearly checking Draco out.

Draco poured her a glass of Nettle wine and they clinked glasses before each taking a sip, indulging in the atmosphere of the Ball.

Adrian Pucey, a fellow slytherin, tapped Iris on the shoulder and she whipped around. They hadn't really spoken since fourth year.
"Banks, I just wanted to say," Malfoy's eyes burned into him as he spoke, "You look well fit tonight. All the boys are thinking it." He looked unfazed by Malfoy's nasty scowl.
"Oh, Thank you." Iris blushed, not sure how to take the compliment.
"Too bad you'd have to get past me first." Draco smirked before sliding an arm around her waist, and sliding a finger along her Jaw, as Pucey watched, gawping slightly.
Malfoy then tugged her away from Pucey.
"What a fucking twat." He murmured before taking another sip, and Iris chuckled.

The buzz of the students around them filled the great hall with warmth, the heat of the strong alcohol was dripping of their tongues.

"Anyway Draco, I just wanted to say, Thank you for getting me the gown, it's perfect."

His face drowned in confusion as he stared into her eyes with lust,
"I didn't get you a gown. What are you talking about?"

Thankyou if you are still reading! Thoughts always welcome <3

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